Day 5 - 3rd of September
7:10 セミナーハウス 天気: 蒸し暑い
Today was yet another busy day. Georg and Diego decided to, once again, attempt to get to the city office. I couldn't go with them because I had to get my laptop registered at 10. So, I showed them how to read the bus timetable, and which stop they wanted, and then went on my way. It was so hot today. Humid more; the type that presses down on you. I still managed to get there in time, and get my laptop registered (which took a little bit of stuffing around). Then I took the bus back to the dorm, cause I was feeling a bit hot and bothered (and lazy). When I got back I had a little rest before Georg and Diego returned triumphant. We now had to get ready for the opening ceremony which asked for "semi formal" wear. This didn't stop both of them decking out in full suits. They left before me cause Georg had to meet with his speaking partner. In the mean time I had to iron my shirt and straighten my hair (I was able to borrow a straightener from a girl named Stephani on the forth floor).
So yeah, in my dress pants, boots, shirt, vest, and tie (which I tied myself; so proud), I made the terrible trip through the stifling heat to the uni. I was sweating a lot by the time I got there. The torture of the trip was soon forgotten, entering the cool multimedia centre. I found myself falling asleep though, before the ceremony began. I felt no need to sleep, however, when it came to the speeches. They were all very enjoyable and helpful; I took away a lot. We were addressed by the Consulate General of Australia, Osaka, Consulate General of the USA, Osaka-Kobe, and some faculty members of Kansai Gaidai. Professor Shikaura presented her speech in Japanese, and I was really happy that I could understand most of it; she was very funny. Mr. Kagiyama, was funny too. He dreams to be a comedian, bringing manzai to the English audience, and unite people with laughter. He left us with a great quote, "Live, like you'll die tomorrow, and learn, like you'll live forever."
After the ceremony it was chow time and boy did they put on a spread. I suppose it was necessary for the 442 of us students, over half of which are Americans (Australia comes second with just 26). The food was plentiful and amazing, and I ended my feasting with some green tea ice cream. Mingled with a lot of people, including Seimu and Dan, got in some photos, and met lots more people (it's getting hard to remember every one's names). We also got our course selection in the mail. I'm happy that I got Introduction to Japanese History, but as for the other course on Japanese anthropology I am not so sure. I think it might be a little too hard. So after feeling stuffed, I walked back to the dorm. I was so happy to find that my laptop was online, so I did a lot of chatting and started this blog. At about 10:20 I went into the lounge and talked with Diego and Jessica. We ended up staying up till about 1:00am...
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