Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Day 162 - 8th of February

11:26pm セミナーハウス
Today was bad and good. First of all, my cold is now a fully-fledged, life-draining monster; no, it’s not that bad really, just annoying. So this left me feeling tired, and a little out of it for the whole day… I got up at 8:30, giving me and hour to get ready for uni. This was ample time, and I actually got to uni 15 minutes early; got to chat with Katie and Jacinthe for a while. Then I had Speaking, which turned out to be pretty good. We learnt two new grammar forms, and the pace was reasonable. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for my Reading and writing class, in which, after a vocab quiz, we went over 5 grammar points; I can’t even remember what half of them were. I realise that level 4 means a lot of independent study, but this was ridiculous. Hopefully, that was just an overview, and we will look into them more thoroughly again; I’m not sure.

Well, at least that was the end of my uni day. I got straight home, and had some lunch. Then I got some laundry done. I didn’t have the correct change (the washing machine only takes 100円 coins), so I had to buy a drink out of the vending machine; apple juice. While my clothes were getting washed, I had a nap, just for 30 minutes. I got up feeling a little light headed (because of the cold), but I shook that of soon enough. I certainly felt a lot better than I have after my past napping experiences. So, from now on, I’m going to make sure that when I have a nap, it’s only for 30 minutes. After hanging up my clothes on my trusty little hanger (thanks Diego), I got stuck into my homework, which took me through to 6 o’clock. I had talked with Simon this morning between classes about going to see the film being showed by professor Hester; he does it every week. Since I don’t have koto club on Mondays now, I thought it would be interesting to go see.

So I went and found Simon in the computer room and he explained to me that he was developing a cold, and didn’t think it was a good idea to go out again. I had been planning to tell him I wasn’t up to going, so when he said this, I whole-heatedly agreed. Still, it is a shame we couldn’t see it. Simon did say though, that we could probably hire it out from the library at uni. So, that settled I went back to my room and got back to Japanese study. I have a quiz tomorrow for Speaking, so I got a vocab list created on my iPod. And oh my gosh, one of the words I have to learn, is the perfect describing word for me – 呑気 (Nonki) meaning carefree, optimistic, careless, reckless, heedless, happy-go-lucky, easygoing. And it’s such a cute word too; I love it. After that, I did some reading for Religion; about the god Inari. That was short-lived, as I decided I wanted to go and make dinner.

I’d defrosted some chicken this afternoon, so decided to make chicken parmigiana. A few of the Americans were really impressed by my cooking (go figure), and I think I’ve actually inspired them to try it themselves. Then I set the paper towels that my cooked chicken were sitting on (to drain the oil), on fire; whoops. So that was a bit of excitement; quickly amended with the aid of water. I think it was around 7:30 when I sat down to eat; it was very good. I had just got all my dishes washed and put away when Ash arrived back. I decided to stay in the kitchen, and sit with her. This proved deadly; three hours later and I was still in the kitchen. In this time, Rachel had joined us in conversation, we sung Happy Birthday to a girl I don’t know (I got some cake though), and Hugo smashed his glass; another whoops. We kept on saying, “well I really should be studying”, but kept on distracting each other; it really was great. Finally, at 11, we came to our senses, and got back to our rooms. I don’t have class till 11 tomorrow, so I’m going to get a good long sleep, and do a bit more study in the morning.

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