9:51pm セミナーハウス
I'm feeling a little better today. I think I've flushed out the worst of it. The morning went by slowly; probably because I didn't do much. After class, I went to the cafeteria craving katsudon. Soon after, I came home and had a nap. I decided to go to the sentou, thinking it would help with my cold. I did feel better afterwards, although I didn't stay that long. I walked to Sanko and picked up a few things. Dinner was chicken parmigiana which took way to long to make. And for some reason, I am missing my large plate and knife and fork. I seriously can't even remember to last time I used them. I'm sure they'll turn up, and if not I'll just buy replacements. Cleaning time at 9 and no one showed up; everyone was out drinking. It was Deigo and I, another guy and Yuji (our RA), and Carly who's not even supposed to be cleaning this week. I took us half an hour but we got it done. It's getting to be more than just annoying. People leave food, dirty dishes and there personal belongings all over the place. Now, I'm just feeling tired. We're going to play cards now...
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