10:31pm セミナーハウス
Another rainy day. The water-way outside was full and fast running, and we joked that it would be fun to go rafting. Talked with my parents and got a start on my history essay. Jessica came over to study with Deigo, and Carly, Amber and I, went to Kuzuha mall, after lunch. It was only spitting when we left, so we walked to Makino station, stopping at the bank for Carly along the way. Amber took us a different way, that Carly and I insisted was longer than the way we were used to going. But anyway, we got to Kuzuha, and I was intent on finding a jacket and gloves for Hokkaido. We went to "Uniqlo" first, and I found a great jacket and gloves. I decided to shop around a bit more before making my decision to buy them. We went to a number of other clothes shops, but everything we looked at was either more expensive, or of a poorer quality. I did however pick up a pair of jeans and belt for about $30. Guess what colour they are... orange!!! And, a white belt. I know I'm crazy.
We also went to the book store and HMV. I bought some mochi at the super market, and then we went back to Uniqlo. I was extremely happy with my purchase. The jacket is stylish but very practical, warm, and water proof. The gloves are a little small, but what can you do; I'm in the world of little people. Carly bought some fabric to make a "pipe fox". I'm not entirely sure what it is; some sort of furry creature that wraps around your neck. I'm sure I'll see it when it's done. It was getting dark by the time we emerged from the shops, and it was very cold and windy. Amber had to check Tsutaya for a new CD she wanted, but unfortunately the one we went to was a rental place. So, we got back on the train for Makino, and Karaoke.
We spent two hours there, and I got some practice in for the songs I'm singing at the INFES; which is less than two weeks!!! I'm feeling okay about them, I just really need to learn the lyrics. Gosh it was cheap. 100円 each; we paid more for the drinks! Afterwards we had a purikura session ~ purikura are automated photo sticker booths, that are immensely popular in Japan. Sometimes whole floors are dedicated to purikura booths. ~ Incidently, Purikura is a portmanteau of the English, "Print Club". Anyway, this particular booth had monkey bars and a ladder to climb on, and three different cameras; It was a lot of fun. After selecting the desired pictures, you get to beautify them with love hearts, and sparkles, and writing; whatever you like basically. Then they are printed out in a set of 6, 12, 24 etc, with varying sized photos. It's a lot of fun, and cheap too. We finally got home at about 8, and made dinner. I'd better get to sleep now; back to uni tomorrow. So glad I got my jacket and gloves... and orange jeans! Hokkaido here I come...
Another rainy day. The water-way outside was full and fast running, and we joked that it would be fun to go rafting. Talked with my parents and got a start on my history essay. Jessica came over to study with Deigo, and Carly, Amber and I, went to Kuzuha mall, after lunch. It was only spitting when we left, so we walked to Makino station, stopping at the bank for Carly along the way. Amber took us a different way, that Carly and I insisted was longer than the way we were used to going. But anyway, we got to Kuzuha, and I was intent on finding a jacket and gloves for Hokkaido. We went to "Uniqlo" first, and I found a great jacket and gloves. I decided to shop around a bit more before making my decision to buy them. We went to a number of other clothes shops, but everything we looked at was either more expensive, or of a poorer quality. I did however pick up a pair of jeans and belt for about $30. Guess what colour they are... orange!!! And, a white belt. I know I'm crazy.
We also went to the book store and HMV. I bought some mochi at the super market, and then we went back to Uniqlo. I was extremely happy with my purchase. The jacket is stylish but very practical, warm, and water proof. The gloves are a little small, but what can you do; I'm in the world of little people. Carly bought some fabric to make a "pipe fox". I'm not entirely sure what it is; some sort of furry creature that wraps around your neck. I'm sure I'll see it when it's done. It was getting dark by the time we emerged from the shops, and it was very cold and windy. Amber had to check Tsutaya for a new CD she wanted, but unfortunately the one we went to was a rental place. So, we got back on the train for Makino, and Karaoke.

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