
5:37pm 七条
We're in Shichijo now, and have to switch to another train to go one stop down to Kiyomizu-gojo ~ the 条 (-jo) on the end can be loosely translated to mean street, so gojo is 5th street, as
shichijo is 7th street. In Kyoto, many of the train stations are on these streets. Continuing... Niky showed up at about 12. She had a bit of a scare this morning, not knowing exactly when to get here. Luckily the kimono sensei were still around and she was dressed no problem. She did forget her tsume and music but that was easily fixed; she borrowed Justin's. So, the performances: we played in groups of three and Niky, Brittney, and I were first up. Since it's just Sakura, sakura it was over pretty fast. After that, the Japanese girls played three pieces while we beckoned in customers and served them tea. Each session took about 25 minutes. I decided not to record today, so I would have battery for tonight. I love the songs they play though; well except for the one really long, boring one, 六段の調べ (rokudan no shirabe).

5:45pm 普通電車
On the train... In the break, Niky and I had a quick look at the art exhibition and some ikebana before playing for a second time, accompanied by Mark this time... We're here; according to Diego the line to Kiyomizu-dera is really long.
6:17pm 清水寺
We're in the line to Kiyomizu-dera and it's incredibly long!!! But, it's moving at a relatively fast pace. We haven't found Diego and Jess yet, we're guessing they're at the other entrance. Wow, we can see the pagoda from here, all lit up. There's also a huge spotlight shooting light into the sky; it's amazing. Half-way there...
10:38pm 特急電車
We're on our way back home now. Tonight was great. We never did meet up with Diego and Jessica, which was a shame; it was too hard to find them in the masses. Kiyomizu-dera was stunning. We must
have spent about an hour there; it was well worth it. Unfortunately, silly me forgot to lock the switch on the video camera and it must have came on in my bag, because when I pulled it out, it had less than 20 minutes of battery left. I did take a lot of photos though; that made up for it. After walking around the grounds, we did a little bit of shopping and then went back down into the city to find a place to eat. We almost immediately stumbled upon an okonomiyaki place; I was so there. We were seated straight away, and while our order took a while, it was so good. We shared a special okonomiyaki with everything in it; pork, beef, octopus, squid, prawns, and onions and cheese on top. And for dessert, ice cream; Carly had banana, and I got black sesame seed. Seriously, it is really yummy.

10:56pm 淀駅
Whoops! The express train only got as far as Yodo, so we had to change over. Now we're on a local. Anyway... yeah, it was my turn. I did... okay. I forgot a lot of the lyrics; I was really disappointed about that. At least I got the last verse out perfectly. Carly was there recording it. Maybe I'll watch it one day; doubt it. Well, I wasn't the best, but I wasn't the worst either, so I can take comfort in that. Afterwards, I went over with Carly to her booth (Food booth 2) and bought one of her 和 パフェ (Wa Pafe - "peace parfait"), and donated to an orphanage in Germany (which was what the INFES was raising money for). The parfait was really good even in the cold weather. Since we were going to Kyoto, Carly got out early, on the pretense that she would help out extra hard tomorrow; same for me! I got all my stuff together and then we walked back home.
Getting back, we had a quick snack (I reheated the chicken from last night, otherwise it would have gone to waste). We printed off a map showing Kodaiji; we had anticipated going to three temples tonight but that didn't happen. I'm kinda glad we didn't; it would have been too much. We're going to try again on Thursday. Anyway, that's my day; we're in Makino now. Walk home, then collapse. Gotta be at uni again at 8:30 tomorrow; singing first and then kimono and koto!!!
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