Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Day 142 - 19th of January

5:40pm 和室 - 関西外大
I’m here in the koto practice room, just sitting. Sensei is already here; she arrived just after we finished cleaning. It’s unusually early for her to show up; we always get at least an hour of practice in before she gets here. I guess she really wants to make sure we’re getting prepared for the concert. I’m pretty sure the girls are practicing with sensei first, and then Marika and I will get a go. Anyway, today was pretty uneventful, albeit one annoyance… I got up at about 11 and went upstairs to find the kitchen tables and chairs stacked up in the corridor. I had forgotten; a company was coming in today to clean the kitchen. I was told that by Yuji on Sunday that they would be finished by 12, so went back downstairs and set up computer in the lounge; Ryan was still in bed.

I chatted Diego and Carly for a while, then saw Katie come down and asked her if the kitchen was ready; it wasn’t. I was getting very hungry, and it wasn’t until after one we could finally get in. I rushed up to Ash and Katie’s room to inform them of the good news, and then we rushed back down to eat! In the end, I just had cereal; too hungry to make anything. I was impressed at how clean the floors were though; we were almost blinded by the sparkliness. Let's see how long it actually stays that way. After that, I watched some more of Hetalia; I’m almost finished the second season. At 3, I showered and then had lunch before making my way to koto. It was cool, though not unpleasantly so. When I get back, I’ll be making stew for dinner and then we’ll be going to karaoke; can’t wait!!!

10:47pm カラオケ - 牧野
We’re in karaoke; been here since about 9:30. I just found “Heavenly Stars” by Genki Rockets, so I’m seriously happy now; best song ever, lolz! I hope we spent all night here. It’s so cheap and I’ve been deprived for a while. It’s just Ash, Nadezhda, Katie, and I, and we’re taking turns singing; best system. Koto practice was good. We played hanagoromo with the shakuhachi sensei, and then later we played the first section of sandan. As I’d half expected, sensei wanted me to play the first koto part of sandan. This proved slightly troublesome, since I hadn’t practiced it in ages. I think she might let me play the second part, if she’s satisfied I’m good enough at the first part. Then again, maybe it’d be easier for everyone if I just stuck with the first part. Oh well, we’ll see how things go…

11:15pm カラオケ - 牧野
So yeah, after koto, walked home and cooked stew. Ryan was gone again, but I’m pretty sure he’ll be coming back tonight? There was a really good show on TV; an a capella singing competition. It brought back memories of choir… I had just enough time after dinner to get ready, and then we left. It’s actually really mild tonight; the walk here was actually comfortable. Now, back to singing…

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