10:36pm セミナーハウス
4 hours later, and I’m finally back downstairs; been up in the kitchen since 6:30. It’s so nice to have the room back to normal; Jamie left for home stay this evening… I got up at 10 this morning, just after the announcement was made that check-in would be commencing. I got right onto it, taking my sheets out into the foyer. Then I went into the lounge, to get my keys and check the kitchen box and room. Everything good, I received my 5 hangers and clean linen. Jamie had already removed his futon, so I was finally able to get back into my cupboard properly. The first thing I did was move all of my kitchen stuff back into my kitchen box. Then I sorted out my cupboard; it’s much better now. Went back up to the kitchen to bring the spare bags I’d used back down, and ended up chatting with Ash. Realising there was only 20 minutes till the meeting we decided to just stay where we were. The meeting was over in about half an hour (it was about 12:30 at this point), and I was feeling very hungry; Okaasan had brought back all the cooking utensils. But first I needed something to cook!!!
Hugo had just bought a bike from his friend, and just after 1, we went to Sanko, along with Simon and Rachel. I bought so much stuff; too much really. It was drizzling on the way there, but on the way back it was coming down quite steadily. Rachel and I volunteered to carry some of Simon’s groceries, so he could carry his umbrella, and then half way back he tells us he could’ve just worn his hood up; it was funny. Getting back, we were all straight in the kitchen. I made eggs on toast, with rice I had prepared earlier; forward thinking. It was so nice to have rice again; not that I haven’t had it for the majority of this week but still… It’s so nice to be able to make it myself. After lunch, Hugo and I got to sorting the room out, and vacuuming. A bit later on, I got to talk with my family, which was really great considering I hadn’t spoken with them since the previous Sunday. I did a little bit of study afterwards, and Jamie said his farewells; he was getting picked up by his family from the seminar house. I will sorely miss that red jacket of his!!!
Although I wasn’t really hungry, I decided to head up to the kitchen at around 6:30. I showed Simon how to use the rice cookers, and Hugo too when he came up a little later. Katie was making apple crumble, and Ash and I were just there staring at it in process. Simon sat down with us, and Rachel soon joined. After 20 minutes of baking, the apple crumble was ready, and Katie treated me to some; this was before I ate dinner mind you. Jacinthe came to sit with us for a little while, and I got a slice of some amazing cheddar cheese from her. Not wanting to leave the conversation, I regrettably got up to make my dinner. And by make, I mean defrost my stew in a pan. Yes, I bought a lot of food today, but I was feeling a little lazy and, I had no idea what I wanted to cook anyway; stew seemed to be the best option. So yeah, for the next three hours, Katie, Ash, Rachel, Simon, and I talked about anything and everything, from politics to sex stores, from History to movies, from differences in the English languages, to the royal family; it was great. Chelsea from Hawaii, listened eagerly, and said she was learning a lot from our conversation. Admittedly, I was too; I wish I read the news more.
Finally, it was time for bed. I went up to Katie and Ash’s room, to get Ash’s Religion in Japan text package, and then bid them goodnight. Then I had a shower and finally got back to the room. It’s the last day of the month, and also the last day of winter break. It’s going to be weird, but good, to start classes again. I’m looking forward to getting back into routine. In the meeting today, Yuji and Asami revealed the new chart for cleaning duties. It has the same design, but this semester, they’ve decided that cleaning nights will be Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, not every night like last semester. I don’t know how effective this will be, but hopefully we can keep the kitchen and utensils relatively clean. I’m in group B, so will start next week. Well, Hugo’s already in bed, so I should wrap it up. My first class is at 10 tomorrow; have to get back into waking up early. I’m really looking forward to this semester; here’s hoping it’s even better than the last…
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