Finished cleaning; well pretty much… Got up at 9 this morning, and left for Toji at 10; Ryan arrived just before. We walked to Makino and it was drizzling, the sky moist and grey; it had rained the night before. Ash felt right at home, and insisted she didn’t need an umbrella. Soon after reaching the flea markets however, it started to pour; not that that deterred the crowds. Ash and Katie were in bliss, seeking out kimono stalls and the shelter they offered. They got quite a few things. As usual, I just enjoyed browsing; started forming some ideas of what I should get though. Katie found this really cool toy that, when spun, mimics the look of a bubble! It’s basically strips of iridescent plastic that “merge” together when spun. It’s a really cool idea though; looks great.

Katie wanted to see if she could book tickets for the Beauty and the Beast musical, or in Japanese 美女と野獣 (Bijo to Yajuu). This perked my interest, so we went together to check it out. The theatre is in Kyoto station, and the stairway to it was decked out in red carpet.

I went and bought the Pokémon: Heart Gold Soul Silver walkthrough, at the Keihan store, and then went on to Sanko, to pick up bread and sauce; bread for lunch and sauce for dinner. I got home at about 3, had lunch, and then began cleaning my kitchen box and utensils. I also clean the fridge. Just as I finished, Ryan came up, and I inquired if he’d moved the stuff out from the bottom of the fridge. He said he had and that he’d cleaned it also. Lolz, well now it’s doubly cleaned. Here I was worrying about him getting things done, and he had finished everything by the time I’d gotten back; he’ll be moving to seminar house 4 tomorrow. When I came back down, I put my laundry away, and dusted the shelves. He was watching Mad Max on his laptop; I recognised the Australian accent. When I told him I hadn’t watched it, he said, “What kind of Australian are you?” That inspired me to watch it, along with many other Aussie classics, as soon as I get home!
At about 7:30, I went up and made dinner; my last home-cooked for a while now! I made spaghetti bolognese. Simple, but it meant I used up my last carrot, most of the onion, and the rest of my meat and pasta; so I was happy and so full afterward. I thoroughly washed my plate and cutlery, and then came back down. Yuji soon arrived at our door, accompainied by our new RA, Asumi. He inquired about by progress with inspection, and I let him know that everything but the floor, and shoji doors were done. We explained that we were going to be getting up at 8 tomorrow to vacuum; he implored us to have it done on time. Then I went up and showed him my kitchen box and the fridge; Ryan had already showed his. He was most satisfied, and I’m sure relieved; one less to worry about. I really hope it does go smoothly tomorrow; fingers crossed. As soon as it’s over I’ll be so happy. I don’t think I’ll do much else tomorrow; probably just mail Tamblyn’s shoes. Well, I think I’m going to go have some dessert now, and then say goodbye to the pots and pans…
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