Thursday, 1 April 2010

Day 213 - 31st of March

11:50pm セミナーハウス


I’ve just come down from watching Hetalia with Rachel, Ash and Rachael. We watched it from the start of the second season for Rachel’s benefit, but it was great for me too, because I finally got to see the last two episodes of the season. But wait, there was more; season three has just started. Ash had the first episode loaded and ready to go for our viewing pleasure. It hasn’t been subbed yet, but it was still really cool to see. We also got to see the trailer for the movie that sadly isn’t coming out till June; Alex will be able to see it though! Anyway today… despite expectations, it didn’t end up raining, although it was cloudy. In Speaking today, we watched some more funny videos, before continuing with the new grammar patterns. In the break, I bought some bread from the convenience store, and then went to the cafeteria to sit with Jo and Kim; Stefani and Amelia joined us. Getting to Reading and Writing, we started chapter 4 by going through new kanji; a whole bunch of reading practice was to follow. After that, I went straight upstairs, again forgetting that there’s a 25 minute break between classes. So, I ended up sitting in on the Monster’s class and talking with Katie, while watching Rose draw Godzilla on the board; they would be watching the movie in class today.

Just after she finished drawing Mothra, I had to leave. In Gender and Sexuality, we continued for a bit with marriage, and watched some more of the wedding, and then we went onto Japanese women’s narratives of internationalism. Basically, Japanese women are seeking opportunities outside their country because they want to live more fulfilling lives; and this includes seeking foreign men. Interestingly though, there are actually more foreign women married to Japanese men than Japanese women to foreign men. This is largely due to the large populations of Chinese, Koreans, and Pilipino in Japan, who are still considered “foreign”, even if they are born there; you’re Japanese by blood, not by birthplace. So that was all very interesting. Getting home, I had lunch, got the washing in, changed the linen, vacuumed the floor, did some exercise (didn’t go to the gym), and then finished off my interview write up. It was almost 7 when I put some rice on for dinner, and then got the write up printed off, and then started learning my vocab for Reading and Writing. I went back up to the kitchen just before my rice was done, and made gyudon. I sat with Ash, and Rachel joined us; everyone else had already gone to study. We stayed in the kitchen until about 9:30, and then made our way up to Ashes room to watch Hetalia; glad to be up-to-date now…

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