Thursday, 1 April 2010

Day 214 - 1st of April

9:40pm セミナーハウス


Since I’m going to be going to the sentou with Yuji and Hugo in about half an hour, I’m going to do this update now. First off, Happy April Fools!!! I didn’t end up playing any jokes on anyone, but oh well. I did have a good laugh though when I went on dA, and all the avatars had been messed with, so you were either team Jacob, or team Edward (among a few others); I was so glad I was team Jacob. Anyway, today was another rainy day; it just let up this evening… I got up at 8:30, and after getting ready, I studied and read a bit more of Reborn. Just after 11, I had lunch and then made my way to uni. Saigo sensei played us an enka song in class today, which was actually a little depressing. We got the lyrics, and he urged us to sing it at karaoke; it would impress our Japanese friends. I decided I might as well stay where I was after class, since Religion is in the same room; I got my homework done in the time being. Today, we revised for the midterm exam next week, which consisted of the teacher asking us true/false questions, or making us ask questions to other students. From what we did, I really doesn’t seem like the professor expects much of us, so I’m not worried about the exam at all. Julie and I decided that, weather permitting, we would go to Nara early Saturday morning, before meeting up with the rest of the class in Tenri; might as well make a day out it.

Before going home, I got a chocolate milkshake from Makkas, which I enjoyed as I walked to my bike, trying to avoid the rain. Getting back, I found Simon in the computer room. He had been there all day, writing his essay for Culture and Everyday Life in Japan, which was due today. I asked him if he wanted to go to the gym, and he declined; I expected as much. Not perturbed, at about 3:30 I made my way to the gym, and had a really good work out; I was alone for a lot of it too. At the end of the session, I weighed myself, and I’m still gaining weight; I’m so happy. Getting back, it tried to do the readings for Gender and Sexuality, and inevitably ended up dosing off. Just after 6, I wrenched myself from the futon, and rode to Sanko for groceries; the rain had stopped at this point, but the air was still thick with moisture. Getting to Sanko, I noticed that a lot of the trees had come into bloom; walking to karaoke or Makino station will be beautiful now. Satisfied with my purchases, I made my way back, and went straight to the kitchen to make dinner; I was starved.I had bought chicken and pasta, and decided to try to make a pasta bake, just without the baking part. It turned out really nicely; I mixed the pasta and chicken in with my favourite sauce and the leftovers of the leafy vegetable I’d bought for yakisoba.

I decided not to be a pig, and saved some for lunch tomorrow, which was great because when I finished eating I felt really content; not bloated. Katie left as I finished eating, so I sat with Julie, and she showed me a video on youtube with this guy doing a funny dance in locations all over the world; there were four in Australia!!! An American chewing gum company was so impressed by what he did, that they sponsored him to go around the world again and film it; it was great. And I loved the backing music; as soon as I got back down here I bought it off iTunes. I also got to watch Pokémon on TV. Soon Julie left, so I was left with Ash and Rachel; not that that was a bad thing. Ash had just come from Animate and had bought a stack of goodies; as she always does. In particular, there was a Hetalia book with sheet music from the character songs; I want it so badly. On TV, there was a travel show about 江ノ島 (Enoshima), which is an island off the mainland near Tokyo. There was an amazing mode of transport, where a bus could travel on both rails and on the road; so cool. It came around to 9 o’clock soon enough, which meant it was time for cleaning. After that, I left the kitchen and found Hugo and Simon in the computer room. Hugo told me about the sentou, and I decided I should go; I could use a bit of relaxation. Looks like we’re getting ready to go now…

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