Friday, 9 April 2010

Day 222 - 9th of April

10:06pm セミナーハウス


Well, today felt like autumn, complete with leaves being blown off trees. Riding into uni this morning, I felt so sorry for the maintenance guy who was sweeping the road clear of leaves; it was a lost cause because as soon as he swept them off, the wind would pick them up again. In both my Japanese classes, we basically finished off the chapters, and started review for exams; fun! After that, I went home to have lunch and out a whole heap of rice on, which is going to last for quite a while. Getting back to uni for Gender and Sexuality, I met Peter and Rachel in the hall on the way. Rachel wanted to go to see cherry blossoms this afternoon, so Peter recommended Yasaka shrine; he even drew a map on her palm. Instead of watching sakura, I was watching a documentary. It was about married women in Japan, and was quite interesting listening to the different perspectives of women from different generations. After that I was home free, and decided to drop by Fresco to pick up some frozen vegetables for my shepherd’s pie tonight; of course, I inexplicably ended up buying more. I was happy though, because I found the okonomiyaki flour, so I’m going to try to make that now. They were also selling off cuts from cakes (packaged and everthing), so I had to get some; really cheap too.

Getting back, I talked to Mum and Ben over Skype in the lounge (since Hugo was napping), and then got stuck into a bit of Japanese revision while transferring a video to my computer; I decided I would go to Himeji castle, so I wanted it ready. Unfortunately the first time I tried it, the program decided to stop working, so I had to start over; that was very frustrating. I left it alone, and went up the kitchen to make dinner. While eating, I watched a singing game show on TV, which was quite funny because most of them couldn’t sing; it was quite painful too. Some of the challenges included, remembering the lyrics, and singing in harmony with the professional backup singers. Then I went about recruiting people to come with to the castle tomorrow. I knew Sarah and Rachael were already going, and now Sam and Alvaro have also expressed interest. Rachel said, if she gets up in time she’ll go, if not too bad. We’re leaving at 7, so it’s going to be a long day; better get some sleep now…

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