Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Day 44 - 13th of October

10:28pm セミナーハウス
Woke up late, had breakfast (pancakes again - naughty), and did a bit of grocery shopping. I'm going to make a stew tomorrow with potatoes, and carrots, and mushrooms, and peas, and beef; hopefully it turns out okay. I'll probably be able to get a few meals out of it. Nothing particularly unusual happened today. I went to uni at 12, had classes and went to koto practice. We got our tsume today, and I bought a little pouch to put them in. Every one's getting really good at playing Sakura sakura, and we continue to watch in awe when the Japanese girls play; they are so good.

I wonder how long it will take for me to get to their level; too long. But still, it is a great experience, it's helping me with my research project, and I'm making new friends. We're going to be having a barbeque on the 24th at Yamada Lake; can't wait. After koto, went home, and cooked some rice, and ate leftovers from last night with it. I've got an in-class essay tomorrow. I have to write about my lifestyle. I feel pretty good about it, since we can take in dictionaries and other vocab lists we like. Then in speaking we'll be talking with Japanese students; I think we're getting graded on it; I'm a little bit more worried about this. Oh well, just see how it goes...

1 comment:

  1. lol, even I'm eating healthier than you! I had a banana today! LOL I was on the run and I grabbed a banana literally on the way out xD god it tasted amazing usually I hate bananas but omg it tasted good. I got some more bananas earlier this afternoon 'cus that was my last one XD
    Also, we write up our essays in class all the time o.o we get one a week o: omg it's amazing though, I've never been able to write so much in my life honest to god I wrote sooo much on my sheet on Monday just gone, I had to write outside of the box on the piece of paper in order to finish it xDDD sooo proud of myself. It's probably full of mistakes though XD but that's ok 'cus I'll learn heaps if it is haha
