9:46pm セミナーハウス
Another long Thursday... I woke up at 9, made breakfast (scrambled eggs with rice), and lunch (avocado and rice on toast, and carrots sticks). Wore my overalls for the first time today. Over all good impression; hahaha, I made a funny. Yeah I pretty much love them; they're so comfy. Anyway, got to uni and made my way up the 72 stairs (yes I counted them) to Speaking. The student teacher took the class again today. We've moved on to passive sentences. She's doing really well I think, making the classes fun. Then I went to Reading and Writing. Had a kanji and vocab quiz, read from the textbook, and got test results back. Did really well in my composition and average on the test.
Then went to CEL. I'm so excited about the field trip we're going on tomorrow. We're going to Korea town in Osaka to see the 秋祭り (Aki matsuri - autumn festival). It's gonna be amazing; I'm changing my batteries now! After History, I had an hour and half to kill before my meeting with the members of my booth for INFES. I found Diego just outside the class. He was waiting up here for Jessica's class to finish; he's so committed, xD. We ended up chilling out in one of the vacant rooms (apparently he does this every week). I took photos out the window, and Diego showed me a really great view of the campus from the guys bathroom, lol. Carly joined us in the room, and told us about the trip she was taking to 北海道 (Hokkaido - the top island of Japan). My ears immediately perked up and I enquired about it.
I am seriously considering going along!!! We'll be going the 27-29th of November (Friday to Sunday). Her friend got an amazing deal through a travel agent. It's going to end up costing about $350 round trip by plane and accommodation!!! Now we just need to figure out what we want to do when we get there. At this point, about 6-8 of us are going I think. It's going to be epic. I'll get to see snow, and probably freeze to death; so excited. I feel so lucky; through making all these friends I'm having so many great experiences. Anyway, at 5:30 went over to my meeting (it was literally across the hall). The foreign students got partnered up with Japanese students and then we had to choose two songs to sing at the festival - one for the karaoke competition on Saturday, and the other for exhibition on Sunday. These are the same days I'll be performing koto. Lol, I should so go on stage in the Kimono I'll be wearing.
My partner's name is Naomi (yes, it's a Japanese name too). She's really nice. We had a list of songs to choose from for the karaoke competition, and for the second day we could choose a favourite Japanese or English song to sing. The fist song I've forgotten the name of (it was in Kanji) and I didn't write it down; silly me. The second song I'm going to be singing though will be Angela Aki's cover of Kiss from a Rose, a) cause I love Angela Aki and b) cause I've sang Kiss from a Rose heaps!!! So yeah, should be interesting. We're going to meet up next Wednesday, and go to Karaoke in Hirakata to practice. After the meeting I did a little bit of grocery shopping at "Kirindo" (the shop that just opened). Found 6 slices of bread for 88円. I have only once found a decent sized loaf of bread; most of the time bread is packed in lots of 5-6 slices; and it's usually really thick.
Anyway, got home, cooked dinner (spaghetti bolognese), and watched this really funny Japanese game show. Basically it was the contestants' aim to get three outof five random people in the audience to laugh within a minute, in a number of different scenarios. Presumably, they were all comedians amateur or otherwise. This one woman came in the room screaming a got everyone to laugh within 5 seconds. That kind of thing always seems to work cause people don't expect it. So, apart from tomorrow night, I don't think I'll be going anywhere on the weekend, partly because I want to save money, but mostly because mid-term exams start next week and I found out that I have three on the same day; Speaking, CEL, and History on the Thursday!!! Really looking forward to that one, not! Better get ready for bed now, night...
Another long Thursday... I woke up at 9, made breakfast (scrambled eggs with rice), and lunch (avocado and rice on toast, and carrots sticks). Wore my overalls for the first time today. Over all good impression; hahaha, I made a funny. Yeah I pretty much love them; they're so comfy. Anyway, got to uni and made my way up the 72 stairs (yes I counted them) to Speaking. The student teacher took the class again today. We've moved on to passive sentences. She's doing really well I think, making the classes fun. Then I went to Reading and Writing. Had a kanji and vocab quiz, read from the textbook, and got test results back. Did really well in my composition and average on the test.

My partner's name is Naomi (yes, it's a Japanese name too). She's really nice. We had a list of songs to choose from for the karaoke competition, and for the second day we could choose a favourite Japanese or English song to sing. The fist song I've forgotten the name of (it was in Kanji) and I didn't write it down; silly me. The second song I'm going to be singing though will be Angela Aki's cover of Kiss from a Rose, a) cause I love Angela Aki and b) cause I've sang Kiss from a Rose heaps!!! So yeah, should be interesting. We're going to meet up next Wednesday, and go to Karaoke in Hirakata to practice. After the meeting I did a little bit of grocery shopping at "Kirindo" (the shop that just opened). Found 6 slices of bread for 88円. I have only once found a decent sized loaf of bread; most of the time bread is packed in lots of 5-6 slices; and it's usually really thick.
Anyway, got home, cooked dinner (spaghetti bolognese), and watched this really funny Japanese game show. Basically it was the contestants' aim to get three outof five random people in the audience to laugh within a minute, in a number of different scenarios. Presumably, they were all comedians amateur or otherwise. This one woman came in the room screaming a got everyone to laugh within 5 seconds. That kind of thing always seems to work cause people don't expect it. So, apart from tomorrow night, I don't think I'll be going anywhere on the weekend, partly because I want to save money, but mostly because mid-term exams start next week and I found out that I have three on the same day; Speaking, CEL, and History on the Thursday!!! Really looking forward to that one, not! Better get ready for bed now, night...
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