Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Day 52 - 21st of October

10:26pm セミナーハウス
One day out from exams, and I've been studying like crazy! I cancelled my meeting with Naomi (to practice the songs); she was really understanding. So straight after my classes were over, I came straight home, had lunch, and got stuck into my History study. I had breaks of course... I napped, then at 5:30 I went grocery shopping; I had to go to Nagagawa (further up the street), since Sanko was closed. Then I had dinner; a big, fat plate of spaghetti bolognese. Then I got back into study; still history. Since we have to write essay-style answers in the exam, I've been writing everything in paragraphs, and inserting the key words. I'm almost done, so I should have tomorrow morning to review for my CEL exam. As for Japanese, I feel pretty good about it. It's not going to be as bad as I thought it would be. I'm just going to go in, and say what I can say; keep it as natural as possible, since it is a conversation. It'll only go for about 5 minutes and then I'll be able to have a nice warm lunch at the cafeteria before my other exams.

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