Day 54 - 23rd of October
8:54pm セミナーハウス 天気;晴れ
As far as a day off goes, I was pretty productive. I got up at about 8:30, had a shower, then breakfast, then I vacuumed the room, and aired out the futon. We received our winter blankets today, and not a moment too soon; I was feeling a bit cold in bed last night. After lunch I mailed post cards to the Nanny's and the Poppy's, and then walked over Avail; I didn't end up buying anything though. I walked across to a park and took some pics, then walked to uni; so much for not going to uni today. I had to withdraw some money, then I bought some international envelopes and ice cream; Hokkaido melon i.e. rock melon! I met up with Carly, and walked with her to the bank so she could cash in some traveler's checks. Then I walked over to Top World. I was trying to find a glass dish cause I wanted to make Shepard's pie. I had no luck; I might be able to find something at Midori tomorrow.
Feeling a little deflated, I walked home, past the rice fields, now harvested and bare. I brought in the futon and then went out again, to the sentou; a different one to last time. It actually wasn't as good as the one I went to before but still, it left me feeling very relaxed; the top of my right foot still feels weird though. On the way back I went to Sanko and bought mince; I decided I would make Shepard's pie anyway. I started cooking at about 6:30. I didn't have any gravy (only when I was cooking did I realise Mum uses it). Instead I just used the leftover noodle flavouring, and cube of chicken stock; it was a little watery. My mashed potatoes turned out great though. I put the mince and veggies on the plate, covered it with the potato, and then grilled cheese on top in the the microwave; it has a grill setting! Then I finished my rice pudding. The bananas weren't such a good idea; they turned brown. I still ate it though and it tasted fine. After dinner Amber and Carly came down, and for the past couple of hours we've been watching Potter Puppet Pals on the computer. It's absolutely hilarious. Well... I've spent way to long on this blog already; I've been so distracted. This weekend's looking great, but I still need to study for next week's Japanese exams.
You forgot to mention all the awesome videos we watched in your room. "Snape, Snape, Severus Snape, DUMBLEDORE, RON, RON, RON WEASLY!, HARRY POTTER HARRY POTTER OOOOO"