Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Day 107 - 15th of December

10:25pm セミナーハウス
Yay, my Japanese exams are all done; so happy!!! I could actually relax a little tonight. Just been watching some great flash movies (Brackenwood) on Diego's computer. So today... slept in a bit, did and bit of study, and then jumped into exam. It was long (8 pages), and tough. I think I did pretty well, but I forgot a few of the vocab words; I'm annoyed about that. Oh well, it's over now; just have to wait and see. After that, I got my 1000円 refunded from buying the INFES t-shirt; that was cool. Then I had to fill out a few forms; nothing major. I decided to go back home for lunch, and had time to rest a while. I bought the New Moon OST off iTunes, and I'm listening to it now; it's really good. I really want to see the movie again now, lolz. Anyway, went back to uni at 4:30 for koto. Today, it was just Sean, Marika, and I. Since the sensei came, we cleaned, then had a little bit of time to practice. We've started on Sandan now. It's pretty easy, though a little hard to follow, and it's long. We played hanagoromo once more with sensei, and then started to work through sandan.

During practice, a photographer came in, to take photos for the senior graduate book. We were beckoned to join the other girls in a group photo. I'll probably never see the photo, but it's still really cool. And that was our last koto practice. I'll be continuing next semester though; Chiharu sempai is the new leader. We finished a little early, and I headed straight home; it was so cold! I made chicken parmigiana for dinner; that took a while, but it was totally worth it. Now, just have a history test to study for. It's not till Thursday though, so I got tomorrow free. Going to go pick up my new cash card, send some postcards, and spend a bit of time in Hirakata in the morning. Hopefully I can get some laundry done; I really need to! Then I'll just spend the rest of the afternoon studying. I'm going to make pizza tomorrow night, and we're going to make garlic bread with it; yummy!! I think I'm going to go and have a shower now, then watch some more Brackenwood...

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