Hanging out with Alex in Denny’s 24 hour café; we’ve been here since 11. Had some dinner here, and dessert, and we’ve just been chatting about
2:41am Denny’s
Still here; just finished the lateral thinking puzzles. We got 28 out of 50 correct. This is so much fun. Randomest night ever…
3:05am Denny’s
Just finished the trivia question; they weren’t as fun as the lateral thinking puzzles.
3:49am Denny’s
I love the glasses here. They have indents where you put your thumb and third finger; ingenious, but simple innovation. Anyway, I think we’re going to head out now. We’ve been here for almost 5 hours; crazy!!! Oh wow, there are two police men in here; a guy’s at a table and he’s not responding, so they’re talking with him now… It looks like it’s all been sorted out; I think the manager’s just apologised to the guy; so weird.
5:23am 地下鉄
We’re in the subway, waiting for the first train to Kanayama; I’m going to go back to the hostel, and shower and change. Bought an all day ticket, which can be used on all buses and trains linked to the 名城線 (Meijo line) for just 600円. We just spent the last hour and a half wandering around the outside of Sakae station, and park, taking pictures of cats. We’re going to go back to Alex’s dorm and chill there for most of the day.
6:05am Hostel Ann
Just chilling in the hostel. I had a shower and gave Alex her Christmas present; kimono obi and yatsuhashi.
8:12am Vie de France
Just ate a breakfast consisting of spinach and fetta pastry, and an apple cake at Vie de France in 本郷駅 (Hongo station). Going to catch the bus to Alex’s dorm…
Just had a couple of hours sleep here on the lounge, and feel a lot better now. I’m just about to steal some of Alex’s cereal for “breakfast”. I’ve been introduced to a few people here; they all seem very lively. Don’t know what we’ll be doing for the rest of the day… The “I-house”, as it’s called is pretty nice. Unfortunately for me as a guest, I don’t get to see most of it. I’m only allowed in the lounge, 玄関 (genkan - entrance) and 中庭 (nakaniwa – courtyard); I can’t even go up stairs to see Alex’s room; oh well, rules are rules I guess.
3:21pm I-house
I here in the lounge, and typing this in real time! I’ve been working on my blog for the past few hours, while Alex has been helping Rosy record her singing voice for a friend’s Christmas present; she has an amazing voice. They’ve had to do it in the hall in front of the guest toilet’s, since guests aren’t allowed in the library, or anywhere they could find that was quiet for that matter; Rosy has just moved out of I-house so she’s technically a guest. Oh, and technically, I’m supposed to be with Alex at all times. I tried sitting with them on the floor for a little while, but then my battery was about to die on my laptop so I come back in here. This lounge is really cool. They have to TV’s and a multitude of consoles; PS2, PS3, Wii, two Nintendo. They even have two of those step pads for a dancing game. I’m starving, so hopefully Alex will be done soon so we can go out and eat…
I’m in my bed, in my room, in the hostel and, on second inspection, it’s actually a lot nicer than I thought. Yes it’s small, but the beds are a decent size; I fit in the top bunk comfortably. All the bedding is supplied, and although the mattress is thin, I’m sure I’ll sleep like a log regardless; so tired. And we even have an air conditioner; I’m actually really warm now… Alex and I went for dinner at an okonomiyaki place down the road at about 5, which was really nice. Walking there and back wasn’t very pleasant though; it was cold and windy. Getting back, we chilled out at the I-house a bit longer, watching a guy play this really cool game on the PS3. At about 8:50, we caught the bus back
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