Day 115 - 23rd of December
4:39pm 特急
Yay for new journal! I’m here on the limited express to Kyobashi, where I will switch over to the Nakanoshima line and get off at なにわ橋 (Naniwabashi), to see the lights. We’ve just started moving now.
It feels weird doing this on my own, but kinda cool too. I can just take this evening at my own pace. It’s cloudy, but looks like it’s clearing up. I’m as snug as a bug in a rug, so I’m well prepared for the cold to come. Today was pretty lazy… I woke up pretty late this morning, had breakfast, and then went out hoping to get some money out of the ATM at uni. But, it was closed. Of course it was closed; it’s the Emperor’s birthday today. So, I had absolutely no money. But, I did know there was a Sumitomo Mitsui ATM at Makino, so I decided I would go there just before getting on the train. In the mean time, I had the other pizza I made last night for lunch, and talked with family for a few hours. I borrowed Jacinthe’s battery charger, and got it back to her just at the right time; her bus for Tokyo leaves tonight at 9:30. I’ll be in Kyobashi pretty soon, then off to the viewing…
5:01pm 快速急行
Now I’m on the rapid express to Naniwabashi…
8:20pm なにわ橋
I’m in Naniwabashi, waiting for the rapid express, which will take me to Hirakata, where I’ll switch for Makino. Tonight was great; I got heaps of photos and film
, and was really happy to have seen so much in such a short amount of time. What can I say; the light displays were absolutely spectacular. As soon as I exited the station they were in view. I started at the east park, and worked my way down and back, through lit up rose gardens and sparkling trees, past figurines and art. There were boats all lit up, cruising down the river, and even a floating huge rubber duck. I went through the middle park next, where I got some food at one of the many stalls. Huge sections of road had been shut off for the event, and there were lights everywhere; especially outstanding was the Central Public Hall. The architecture was very European, and the city itself was very beautiful; I’d love to go again in the day.
I continued all the way over to the west park, which took about 15 minutes walk. It was by the Osaka University of Art, and there were some great pieces on display. But the stand out was a huge sand sculpture dubbed “The Urban Angel’s Story II”; the detail was incredible. I watched a guitar and harp duo on stage, playing music with a very Spanish influence, and saw a huge snowman, and penguins lit up. There was a lot of food there too, from many different cultures. I was hungry, but the lines were long, so I instead made my way back, to finish seeing the rest of the middle park. I got a warm soba broth, and walked through a forest of trees, flickering in sync with the music; it was all so amazing.
8:34pm 快速急行
On the train now, and surprised that I’m actually sitting down; I am certainly very glad of it. It was so different doing something on my own, and while I had no one to share my appreciation of the night, I still really enjoyed myself. I’m so tired now. When I get home, I’m going straight to bed; have to pack for Nagoya tomorrow.
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