Just finished having a shower, and getting packed for today, after getting back from karaoke. It was so much fun. I was Eddy’s first time and he really enjoyed himself. A fitting end to a day of new experiences… Today is the last day of our holiday and I’m kinda sad about that. I do of course feel blessed to have seen snow, especially since the weather forecast had predicted only 20% chance of it. We check out at 11 so we’re going to get up at about 9, and do some souvenir shopping. I don’t think we’ll have time to go the chocolate factory, but that’s okay since they sell the biscuits around here anyway. Better get some sleep now…

We’re on the bus now, back to the airport. This morning was good. While we never ended up going to the chocolate factory, we bought the biscuits at this great souvenir place, claiming to be the best in the central Sapporo area; I would have to agree. Let’s just say that everyone will be receiving a lot of Christmas presents. We checked out of the room at about 10 and they graciously held onto our luggage. We had a modest breakfast of salad and eggs, toast and coffee! Yes, I drank coffee, and I still hate it; it's given me a bit of a headache. Then we went to the 1050円 shop connected to the hotel; all I got was a shirt though. We tried once more to see if they had found Eddy’s camera, but no luck. We went into the German market one last time, and I got an apple pancake; really good. Before going back to 狸小路 (tanuki kouji – racoon-dog alley ~ the shopping street next to our hotel), we stopped a kiosk and got ドナッツ串 (Donattsu kushi – Donut on skewer). Sonia and Katie had already gone off separately again, I was with Carly and Eddy. He soon left us for the lobby, as he didn’t want to spend any more money. Carly and I on the other hand, went on a shopping spree for about an hour. Well, I think I’m going to get some sleep…
4:06pm 飛行機
Well, I didn’t get any sleep on the bus; I was too excited about seeing the scenery for

7:42pm 特急電車
Carly and I are on the train to Tennoji, waiting for it to go. The flight back was uneventful, expect for just before we landed… I felt a sharp pain in my temple, above my left eye. It was like “instant migraine!!!” and it wasn’t pleasant at all. I was worried I would pass out, but I kept breathing and got through it. We got our bags, and feeling hungry, I decided I wanted dinner in the airport. It was about 6:20, and the others needed to return to their host families. So, we parted ways. Carly and I had ramen for dinner, which was really tasty, and then got going ourselves… we’re moving now rapidly, back to reality. My head is still throbbing a bit (just a dull ache), so I think I’ll rest…
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