We’ve just dropped into Denny’s again; the same one! We’re going to have some breakfast and hang around for a bit. Gonna order now… I’m getting omurice, and Alex is getting the lasagne. Karaoke was so much fun; we managed to keep singing right up till 6. They actually rung to tell us our time was up in the middle of a song; that was annoying. It was so cheap though; totally makes up for the other nights mistake. Our voices are completely shot but so very satisfied. After breakfast, we’re going to go find an ATM, get some money out, and then go back to the hostel and get me checked out, lolz. Then onto Sweets Paradise!!!
7:41am 名城線
We’re on the subway, loop line, and when people get up, we’re going to sit, and sleep; go around the loop for a few hours.
7:51am 名城線
Still standing; well, Alex is sitting on the floor. We’ve ended up on the 名港線 (Meiko line), bound for Nagoya port. So now, we’ve officially been on every subway line in Nagoya bar one, which only has one stop anyway; Not bad for 4 days work…Yay, sitting down now; time to sleep!
10:27am Hostel Ann
Showered, packed, and ready to go; Alex has crashed on the lounge. We ended up going around the loop over 1 and a half times, before getting off at Kanayama. I was thinking about getting a DS today, but decided it can wait; I want to find a second hand one. We’re still go to Sweets Paradise though; I found exactly where it is. Still got half an hour before I have to check out; watching a really old Bruce Lee movie on TV called “game of death”.
Just got on the Shinkansen, and I’m speeding back to Kyoto; sitting on my suitcase again, but I don’t mind. I’m just really, really tired; as soon as I get home I just want to crash on the futon. The sun’s already low in the sky, so the day will be over when I return. I have no idea what I’m going to going to have for dinner; I have nothing in the fridge. Maybe I’ll just make rice. I’m nowhere near hungry now anyway… After checking out of the hostel (which served its purpose most adequately), we took the subway to 矢場町 (Yabacho) where Sweets Paradise is. It was a little hard to find, since the complex it is situated in (Parco) was actually made up of three interconnected buildings (south, east, and west). We went into the south building first, unaware of the others at the time. It took as a bit before we actually realised it was in the east building; it was easy to find it after that.
We reserved a table, and had a 30 minute wait. I decided to do some exploring; Alex stayed put. So many clothes; all so expensive… I did find a great music shop though, which had heaps of sheet music. I found some Studio Ghibli stuff first, and almost died when I found the Final Fantasy books; Finally!!! I bought 2 and then made it back just in time for us to be seated. I think I did a lot better than last time; in the 70 minutes I had two plates of cake, two bowls of ice cream, bowl of fruit, and a plate of spaghetti. I think Alex really enjoyed it too. I was smaller than the one in Shinsaibashi, but still really great. On that floor (the 8th), there was also a cooking studio for workshops, which looked really cool. After getting stuffed, we went back to the music store, and I played some more piano for Alex, sight reading from one of my new books; she had to help me hold it open. After spending about an hour there, we went back to Sakae, and then look the Higashiyama line to Nagoya. Then it was time to say goodbye; miss Alex already. Anyways, time to rest a bit…
4:00pm 京都
Just made it to Kyoto, now onto Kintestu line, then Keihan, then bus home…
4:51pm バス
Just got on the bus at Hirakata station; almost home. Coming out of the loudspeaker in the station is a koto piece I recognise from koto club; I think it’s rokudan. So cool… so there you have it, the end of my Nagoya trip; I can’t believe it’s over already; it really was an amazing trip, but went so fast. Probably has something to do with the fact that we turned 4 days into 2! I think I’ll just have a lazy day tomorrow; probably do my laundry.
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