10:14pm セミナーハウス
Well today was a big lot of not much. Mind you, I only experienced half of it in waking hours; didn't get up till 12:40. I really can't do this anymore; I'm definitely going to get up at a regular time tomorrow. So what did I do today... well, basically as soon as I got up, I looked at the time, and though "I'm late for talking with family," so I quickly got Skype set up in the lounge; Ryan was still asleep. Talked with Mum and Ben mostly; Dad had to head out unfortunately. After an hour I had to eat, so I said goodbye and made lunch; avocado and rice on toast. It was really nice to get a really good avocado; I haven't had much luck with them for a while now. Anyway, ate and watched the ice skating; it was the champions' last performances, really cool. After that, spent the rest of the afternoon, uploading photos to deviant art, and reading Misfile (the webcomic).
Today, Jo came back from her trip to Hokkaido, but I didn't really get a chance to catch up with her because she was practically going back out the door; she's gone to Kyoto tonight, and will be there for New Years. We got each others contact details, so hopefully we can meet up tomorrow night sometime. I have a bit of an idea of what I want to do... For New Years Eve, there's a ritual called the 除夜の鐘 (joya no kane), involving the temple bell being rung 108 times, to purge humanity of the 108 Buddhist sins. I'd like to go the the 知恩院 (Chionin temple), which has the largest bell in Japan. Then, on New Years day, I want to go to Yasaka shrine for the 初詣 (hatsumode - first shrine visit of the year). It's only a short walk from Choinin. The biggest problem will be the fact that I'll be stranded there for the night, which I'm sure won't be that bad; there will be so much to do. So actually, the biggest problem will be having the energy to do it all.
Anyway, I saw Jo just before making dinner; yakisoba. I turned out really, really tasty tonight, and I don't know why. It wasn't as salty as it usually is. I guess I didn't put in as much soy sauce as I usually do, but it really didn't seem that way. Had some mandarin, came back down, and been talking with Alex. I went up a bit later and had some chocolate (thanks Nanny) and Milo; haven't done that in a long while. I'm really tired now (thanks to not doing anything today). I feel pretty bad about that. Well, I'm going to get up early tomorrow, make pancakes for breakfast, do my laundry, and maybe do some cleaning. Then get ready for Kyoto in the evening. Shower, then sleep...
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Day 121 - 29th of December
11:02pm セミナーハウス
Today was pretty lazy; didn’t end up waking up till, 11:30. I had no food, so I had to go grocery shopping. But, I had no money, so I had to get to an ATM first, and since the university was closed, I went to Hirakata station by bus. I bought some lunch from the bakery, and browsed the shops for a while, not buying anything. Then I walked back to Kirindo and Fresco. On the walk back, I stopped at Lawsons (it’s a chain convenience store). I just remembered I wanted to find the Final Fantasy XIII Elixir; and I did. The box came with the can, and a figurine. I got Lighting, the protagonist; I was thrilled. The drink was pretty gross; some sort of energy drink, but I kept the can. I picked up a heap for cheap (lolz) at Kirindo, and then made my way over to Fresco.
I noticed that 橙 (daidai – bitter orange), are being sold for decoration as well as for the 鏡餅 (kagamimochi – lit. mirror mochi) in preparation for New Years ~ Daidai means “generations”, and symbolises the continuation of family from generation to generation. It is placed on top of the kagamimochi (two round rice cakes, a smaller atop a larger that symbolise Yin and Yang, and the like); bit of trivia for you, xD. After walking back home, I spent the rest of the afternoon talking with Alex, and reading a webcomic. At about 6, I went out again, this time to Sanko, to get meat and fruit; got some great deals. I should have bought a daidai, just to try the taste; oh well.
Getting back, I made stew for dinner, and had my first injury in Japan; cut my thumb on the edge of a tin. I’m going to get tetanus now and die; sorry I shouldn’t joke about that. I’ll be fine though; it was a surface wound and I put some witch hazel on it and band-aided it. Now I’m glad I got all those band-aids from Carly and Diego. While my stew was cooking I talked with Ryan and this other guy I’d met before who was staying in seminar house 3, while watching comedy on TV. I heated up the leftover stew from a while back, and added the new stew to that; really yummy. Had rest of canned peaches, and some mandarin for dessert, then came back down here; going to get my blog up to date…
Today was pretty lazy; didn’t end up waking up till, 11:30. I had no food, so I had to go grocery shopping. But, I had no money, so I had to get to an ATM first, and since the university was closed, I went to Hirakata station by bus. I bought some lunch from the bakery, and browsed the shops for a while, not buying anything. Then I walked back to Kirindo and Fresco. On the walk back, I stopped at Lawsons (it’s a chain convenience store). I just remembered I wanted to find the Final Fantasy XIII Elixir; and I did. The box came with the can, and a figurine. I got Lighting, the protagonist; I was thrilled. The drink was pretty gross; some sort of energy drink, but I kept the can. I picked up a heap for cheap (lolz) at Kirindo, and then made my way over to Fresco.
I noticed that 橙 (daidai – bitter orange), are being sold for decoration as well as for the 鏡餅 (kagamimochi – lit. mirror mochi) in preparation for New Years ~ Daidai means “generations”, and symbolises the continuation of family from generation to generation. It is placed on top of the kagamimochi (two round rice cakes, a smaller atop a larger that symbolise Yin and Yang, and the like); bit of trivia for you, xD. After walking back home, I spent the rest of the afternoon talking with Alex, and reading a webcomic. At about 6, I went out again, this time to Sanko, to get meat and fruit; got some great deals. I should have bought a daidai, just to try the taste; oh well.
Getting back, I made stew for dinner, and had my first injury in Japan; cut my thumb on the edge of a tin. I’m going to get tetanus now and die; sorry I shouldn’t joke about that. I’ll be fine though; it was a surface wound and I put some witch hazel on it and band-aided it. Now I’m glad I got all those band-aids from Carly and Diego. While my stew was cooking I talked with Ryan and this other guy I’d met before who was staying in seminar house 3, while watching comedy on TV. I heated up the leftover stew from a while back, and added the new stew to that; really yummy. Had rest of canned peaches, and some mandarin for dessert, then came back down here; going to get my blog up to date…
Day 120 - 28th of December
6:27am Denny’s
We’ve just dropped into Denny’s again; the same one! We’re going to have some breakfast and hang around for a bit. Gonna order now… I’m getting omurice, and Alex is getting the lasagne. Karaoke was so much fun; we managed to keep singing right up till 6. They actually rung to tell us our time was up in the middle of a song; that was annoying. It was so cheap though; totally makes up for the other nights mistake. Our voices are completely shot but so very satisfied. After breakfast, we’re going to go find an ATM, get some money out, and then go back to the hostel and get me checked out, lolz. Then onto Sweets Paradise!!!
7:41am 名城線
We’re on the subway, loop line, and when people get up, we’re going to sit, and sleep; go around the loop for a few hours.
7:51am 名城線
Still standing; well, Alex is sitting on the floor. We’ve ended up on the 名港線 (Meiko line), bound for Nagoya port. So now, we’ve officially been on every subway line in Nagoya bar one, which only has one stop anyway; Not bad for 4 days work…Yay, sitting down now; time to sleep!
10:27am Hostel Ann
Showered, packed, and ready to go; Alex has crashed on the lounge. We ended up going around the loop over 1 and a half times, before getting off at Kanayama. I was thinking about getting a DS today, but decided it can wait; I want to find a second hand one. We’re still go to Sweets Paradise though; I found exactly where it is. Still got half an hour before I have to check out; watching a really old Bruce Lee movie on TV called “game of death”.
3:29pm 新幹線
Just got on the Shinkansen, and I’m speeding back to Kyoto; sitting on my suitcase again, but I don’t mind. I’m just really, really tired; as soon as I get home I just want to crash on the futon. The sun’s already low in the sky, so the day will be over when I return. I have no idea what I’m going to going to have for dinner; I have nothing in the fridge. Maybe I’ll just make rice. I’m nowhere near hungry now anyway… After checking out of the hostel (which served its purpose most adequately), we took the subway to 矢場町 (Yabacho) where Sweets Paradise is. It was a little hard to find, since the complex it is situated in (Parco) was actually made up of three interconnected buildings (south, east, and west). We went into the south building first, unaware of the others at the time. It took as a bit before we actually realised it was in the east building; it was easy to find it after that.
We reserved a table, and had a 30 minute wait. I decided to do some exploring; Alex stayed put. So many clothes; all so expensive… I did find a great music shop though, which had heaps of sheet music. I found some Studio Ghibli stuff first, and almost died when I found the Final Fantasy books; Finally!!! I bought 2 and then made it back just in time for us to be seated. I think I did a lot better than last time; in the 70 minutes I had two plates of cake, two bowls of ice cream, bowl of fruit, and a plate of spaghetti. I think Alex really enjoyed it too. I was smaller than the one in Shinsaibashi, but still really great. On that floor (the 8th), there was also a cooking studio for workshops, which looked really cool. After getting stuffed, we went back to the music store, and I played some more piano for Alex, sight reading from one of my new books; she had to help me hold it open. After spending about an hour there, we went back to Sakae, and then look the Higashiyama line to Nagoya. Then it was time to say goodbye; miss Alex already. Anyways, time to rest a bit…
4:00pm 京都
Just made it to Kyoto, now onto Kintestu line, then Keihan, then bus home…
4:51pm バス
Just got on the bus at Hirakata station; almost home. Coming out of the loudspeaker in the station is a koto piece I recognise from koto club; I think it’s rokudan. So cool… so there you have it, the end of my Nagoya trip; I can’t believe it’s over already; it really was an amazing trip, but went so fast. Probably has something to do with the fact that we turned 4 days into 2! I think I’ll just have a lazy day tomorrow; probably do my laundry.
We’ve just dropped into Denny’s again; the same one! We’re going to have some breakfast and hang around for a bit. Gonna order now… I’m getting omurice, and Alex is getting the lasagne. Karaoke was so much fun; we managed to keep singing right up till 6. They actually rung to tell us our time was up in the middle of a song; that was annoying. It was so cheap though; totally makes up for the other nights mistake. Our voices are completely shot but so very satisfied. After breakfast, we’re going to go find an ATM, get some money out, and then go back to the hostel and get me checked out, lolz. Then onto Sweets Paradise!!!
7:41am 名城線
We’re on the subway, loop line, and when people get up, we’re going to sit, and sleep; go around the loop for a few hours.
7:51am 名城線
Still standing; well, Alex is sitting on the floor. We’ve ended up on the 名港線 (Meiko line), bound for Nagoya port. So now, we’ve officially been on every subway line in Nagoya bar one, which only has one stop anyway; Not bad for 4 days work…Yay, sitting down now; time to sleep!
10:27am Hostel Ann
Showered, packed, and ready to go; Alex has crashed on the lounge. We ended up going around the loop over 1 and a half times, before getting off at Kanayama. I was thinking about getting a DS today, but decided it can wait; I want to find a second hand one. We’re still go to Sweets Paradise though; I found exactly where it is. Still got half an hour before I have to check out; watching a really old Bruce Lee movie on TV called “game of death”.
Just got on the Shinkansen, and I’m speeding back to Kyoto; sitting on my suitcase again, but I don’t mind. I’m just really, really tired; as soon as I get home I just want to crash on the futon. The sun’s already low in the sky, so the day will be over when I return. I have no idea what I’m going to going to have for dinner; I have nothing in the fridge. Maybe I’ll just make rice. I’m nowhere near hungry now anyway… After checking out of the hostel (which served its purpose most adequately), we took the subway to 矢場町 (Yabacho) where Sweets Paradise is. It was a little hard to find, since the complex it is situated in (Parco) was actually made up of three interconnected buildings (south, east, and west). We went into the south building first, unaware of the others at the time. It took as a bit before we actually realised it was in the east building; it was easy to find it after that.
We reserved a table, and had a 30 minute wait. I decided to do some exploring; Alex stayed put. So many clothes; all so expensive… I did find a great music shop though, which had heaps of sheet music. I found some Studio Ghibli stuff first, and almost died when I found the Final Fantasy books; Finally!!! I bought 2 and then made it back just in time for us to be seated. I think I did a lot better than last time; in the 70 minutes I had two plates of cake, two bowls of ice cream, bowl of fruit, and a plate of spaghetti. I think Alex really enjoyed it too. I was smaller than the one in Shinsaibashi, but still really great. On that floor (the 8th), there was also a cooking studio for workshops, which looked really cool. After getting stuffed, we went back to the music store, and I played some more piano for Alex, sight reading from one of my new books; she had to help me hold it open. After spending about an hour there, we went back to Sakae, and then look the Higashiyama line to Nagoya. Then it was time to say goodbye; miss Alex already. Anyways, time to rest a bit…
4:00pm 京都
Just made it to Kyoto, now onto Kintestu line, then Keihan, then bus home…
4:51pm バス
Just got on the bus at Hirakata station; almost home. Coming out of the loudspeaker in the station is a koto piece I recognise from koto club; I think it’s rokudan. So cool… so there you have it, the end of my Nagoya trip; I can’t believe it’s over already; it really was an amazing trip, but went so fast. Probably has something to do with the fact that we turned 4 days into 2! I think I’ll just have a lazy day tomorrow; probably do my laundry.
Day 119 - 27th of December
11:36am 名城線
On the subway to Sakae; I only woke up an hour ago; I must have really needed the sleep. Alex only just got also, so it’ll take her a while to get to Sakae. In the mean time I’m going to get some brunch. Today is warm, and fine, and I’m feeling ready to pull another all nighter; at karaoke.
11:07am 栄
Still waiting for Alex; I’m in the station. Just got a text… I got food at a bakery (called Steiner) in Oasis 21 (that’s the name of the p
laza in Sakae station). Gosh, I love Japan’s bakeries; so good. I spent the rest of the time exploring; went in the NHK character store (had a lot of Ghibli merchandise too), the Jump shop (anime paraphernalia), and the Pokémon centre, then the park, and aqua spaceship again; very different in the day… Found Alex; she’s getting food from Makkas now. It’s so crazy here; in this Makkas, you actually have to separate the straw and lid from the cup, and then put them in separate bins. The line is way out the door, but the service is excellent (as it is everywhere); Alex will be out in no time…
1:47pm 名城線
We’re on the subway to 市役所 (shiyakusho – city hall), and from there walking to the castle.
4:00pm 名城線
On the train back to Sakae. Just came from the castle…
4:03pm 東山線
Just made the train; going to Nagoya station. Almost there already…
6:07pm 桜通線
We’re making our way to 大曽根 (Ozone), just because of the name. I think we’re going to eat dinner there. We joked that someone should have a place there called “The Ozone Layer”; that would be epic. We were just at Nagoya station, watching this amazing light display; got it on film.
6:17pm 名城線
This is so random, and so much fun. We’re only 4 stops away, on the Meijo line. The subway system here is so cool, and the fact that you can get a whole day pass for such a low price makes it all the more awesome. There’s so many different ways to get where you want to go, and everything connects to the loop line; Meijo.
9:01pm 名城線
Alex loves watching the guy work (aka, watching the conductor opening and closing the train doors). We are conducting a little experiment here; how long it takes to get all the way round the Meijo loop line. This is so awesome, and it’s a good time to upd
ate my journal. Mmm… just finished a Milky Way; thanks Alex… today has been so random. I really enjoyed the castle. We wandered around the gardens before entering the main grounds. There was a group of guys dressed as samurai for people to take photos with; they were very popular among the girls in particular. There was also a lot of construction going on; we found out that they are reconstructing the 本丸御殿 (Honmaru Goten – Hommaru Palace), next to the castle; it was burnt down during the WWII. They’re estimating it won’t be completed until 2018; I’ll have to come back then to see it. Oh yeah, and 2010 marks the 400th anniversary of the incorporation of Nagoya city; that’s pretty awesome.
Anyway, we explored the 天守閣 (tenshukaku – keep) for a while, and took in the views from the top, before making our way back down and out. I stopped at the gift shop outside and I bought myself another pin for my bag. After that, we went to Big Camera near Nagoya station, and I had a lot of enjoyment playing the piano there, while Alex listened. Then, we both had a lot of fun playing with Lego on a little kids table (it had four seats and boards incorporated into it). I built a tower and Alex a spaceship, and then we both wrote our names in Lego; that was so cool. After that, we went to Ozone and had an amazing dinner at this ramen place while watching the ice skating on TV.
I noticed that today was 仏滅 (Butstumetsu – Buddha’s Death), which is supposed to be a very unlucky day in the six day Buddhist cycle ~ 赤口 (shakku – unlucky for all activities, with only the period around noon being auspicious), 先勝 (sensho – lucky for the morning, but not the afternoon), 友引 (tomobiki – good day for business and lawsuits), 先負 (senbu – lucky day, but not in the morning), bustumetsu then, 大安 (taian – auspicious day); then it repeats. These days are displayed on many calendars, and that’s how I noticed it. Well, it certainly wasn’t an unlucky day for us. We joked that everyone elses bad luck left surplus good luck for us. Seriously though, the number of times we just made the train…
After dinner, we went to
another electronic shop nearby, and I convinced myself I wanted a DS lite; didn’t have enough money to buy anything then though. We then got on the train and started our experiment; we’re only one stop away from Ozone again now. After this, we’re going to jump on as many of the other lines as we can… And we’re done; it took almost 49 minutes! Alex said doing this experiment makes everything feel closer. Okay so now we’re moving onto our second experiment; transfer time and train times on other lines inside the loop. We’re going to end up in Motoyama, then take the subway to Hongo, and then bus it to where Alex lives and find Karaoke…
10:46pm 鶴見線
Alex just realised that the last bus is at 11; we won’t make it in time. We’re on the 鶴見線 (Tsurumi line) now, doing our crazy subway experiment…
11:05pm 名城線
Mission aborted… we were worried we wouldn’t make it to Sakae before the last train, so we’re going now there now…
11:44pm 栄
We’re in Karaoke now; got till 6 am. See you tomorrow…
On the subway to Sakae; I only woke up an hour ago; I must have really needed the sleep. Alex only just got also, so it’ll take her a while to get to Sakae. In the mean time I’m going to get some brunch. Today is warm, and fine, and I’m feeling ready to pull another all nighter; at karaoke.
11:07am 栄
Still waiting for Alex; I’m in the station. Just got a text… I got food at a bakery (called Steiner) in Oasis 21 (that’s the name of the p
1:47pm 名城線
We’re on the subway to 市役所 (shiyakusho – city hall), and from there walking to the castle.
4:00pm 名城線
On the train back to Sakae. Just came from the castle…
4:03pm 東山線
Just made the train; going to Nagoya station. Almost there already…
6:07pm 桜通線
We’re making our way to 大曽根 (Ozone), just because of the name. I think we’re going to eat dinner there. We joked that someone should have a place there called “The Ozone Layer”; that would be epic. We were just at Nagoya station, watching this amazing light display; got it on film.
6:17pm 名城線
This is so random, and so much fun. We’re only 4 stops away, on the Meijo line. The subway system here is so cool, and the fact that you can get a whole day pass for such a low price makes it all the more awesome. There’s so many different ways to get where you want to go, and everything connects to the loop line; Meijo.
9:01pm 名城線
Alex loves watching the guy work (aka, watching the conductor opening and closing the train doors). We are conducting a little experiment here; how long it takes to get all the way round the Meijo loop line. This is so awesome, and it’s a good time to upd
I noticed that today was 仏滅 (Butstumetsu – Buddha’s Death), which is supposed to be a very unlucky day in the six day Buddhist cycle ~ 赤口 (shakku – unlucky for all activities, with only the period around noon being auspicious), 先勝 (sensho – lucky for the morning, but not the afternoon), 友引 (tomobiki – good day for business and lawsuits), 先負 (senbu – lucky day, but not in the morning), bustumetsu then, 大安 (taian – auspicious day); then it repeats. These days are displayed on many calendars, and that’s how I noticed it. Well, it certainly wasn’t an unlucky day for us. We joked that everyone elses bad luck left surplus good luck for us. Seriously though, the number of times we just made the train…
After dinner, we went to
10:46pm 鶴見線
Alex just realised that the last bus is at 11; we won’t make it in time. We’re on the 鶴見線 (Tsurumi line) now, doing our crazy subway experiment…
11:05pm 名城線
Mission aborted… we were worried we wouldn’t make it to Sakae before the last train, so we’re going now there now…
11:44pm 栄
We’re in Karaoke now; got till 6 am. See you tomorrow…
Day 118 - 26th of December
12:57am Denny’s
Hanging out with Alex in Denny’s 24 hour café; we’ve been here since 11. Had some dinner here, and dessert, and we’ve just been chatting about
everything. We’re in Sakae, which is just 4 stops down from Kanayama on the subway. We explored the station first, which is really beautiful. There are dinosaur statues all lit up, a skating rink, heaps of shops, and the Pokémon centre; we even got some ice cream from Baskin and Robins. The roof is especially amazing. It’s a glass structure with large pool on top; so you can see the water above from the ground floor; it’s aptly named the 水の宇宙船 (mizu no uchuusen – aqua spaceship). After taking some video of that, and the Nagoya TV Tower, we walked over, and rode the Sky Boat; a Ferris wheel on the side of a building. After that, we went to Karaoke for 3 hours, and payed quite a bit more that we wanted, but oh well, it was fun; that’s what matters… I think we’re going to end up spending the whole night here.
2:41am Denny’s
Still here; just finished the lateral thinking puzzles. We got 28 out of 50 correct. This is so much fun. Randomest night ever…
3:05am Denny’s
Just finished the trivia question; they weren’t as fun as the lateral thinking puzzles.
3:49am Denny’s
I love the glasses here. They have indents where you put your thumb and third finger; ingenious, but simple innovation. Anyway, I think we’re going to head out now. We’ve been here for almost 5 hours; crazy!!! Oh wow, there are two police men in here; a guy’s at a table and he’s not responding, so they’re talking with him now… It looks like it’s all been sorted out; I think the manager’s just apologised to the guy; so weird.
5:23am 地下鉄
We’re in the subway, waiting for the first train to Kanayama; I’m going to go back to the hostel, and shower and change. Bought an all day ticket, which can be used on all buses and trains linked to the 名城線 (Meijo line) for just 600円. We just spent the last hour and a half wandering around the outside of Sakae station, and park, taking pictures of cats. We’re going to go back to Alex’s dorm and chill there for most of the day.
6:05am Hostel Ann
Just chilling in the hostel. I had a shower and gave Alex her Christmas present; kimono obi and yatsuhashi.
8:12am Vie de France
Just ate a breakfast consisting of spinach and fetta pastry, and an apple cake at Vie de France in 本郷駅 (Hongo station). Going to catch the bus to Alex’s dorm…
12:21pm I-house
Just had a couple of hours sleep here on the lounge, and feel a lot better now. I’m just about to steal some of Alex’s cereal for “breakfast”. I’ve been introduced to a few people here; they all seem very lively. Don’t know what we’ll be doing for the rest of the day… The “I-house”, as it’s called is pretty nice. Unfortunately for me as a guest, I don’t get to see most of it. I’m only allowed in the lounge, 玄関 (genkan - entrance) and 中庭 (nakaniwa – courtyard); I can’t even go up stairs to see Alex’s room; oh well, rules are rules I guess.
3:21pm I-house
I here in the lounge, and typing this in real time! I’ve been working on my blog for the past few hours, while Alex has been helping Rosy record her singing voice for a friend’s Christmas present; she has an amazing voice. They’ve had to do it in the hall in front of the guest toilet’s, since guests aren’t allowed in the library, or anywhere they could find that was quiet for that matter; Rosy has just moved out of I-house so she’s technically a guest. Oh, and technically, I’m supposed to be with Alex at all times. I tried sitting with them on the floor for a little while, but then my battery was about to die on my laptop so I come back in here. This lounge is really cool. They have to TV’s and a multitude of consoles; PS2, PS3, Wii, two Nintendo. They even have two of those step pads for a dancing game. I’m starving, so hopefully Alex will be done soon so we can go out and eat…
9:45pm Hostel Ann
I’m in my bed, in my room, in the hostel and, on second inspection, it’s actually a lot nicer than I thought. Yes it’s small, but the beds are a decent size; I fit in the top bunk comfortably. All the bedding is supplied, and although the mattress is thin, I’m sure I’ll sleep like a log regardless; so tired. And we even have an air conditioner; I’m actually really warm now… Alex and I went for dinner at an okonomiyaki place down the road at about 5, which was really nice. Walking there and back wasn’t very pleasant though; it was cold and windy. Getting back, we chilled out at the I-house a bit longer, watching a guy play this really cool game on the PS3. At about 8:50, we caught the bus back
to Hongo station, and then trained it to Sakae to get an Oreo McFlurry with fries to dip at Makkas. We went to the Pokémon centre again, and I got something for Ben. Alex informed me that there are actually 5 Pokémon centres in Japan, the newest being in Sapporo. I can’t believe we didn’t go there; but I have a feeling I might have actually have seen it, I just can’t remember where. Anyway, we split ways after that, ready to meet up again tomorrow in Sakae; we’re going to go to Big Camera (electronics store) and Nagoya castle. I’m going to get some sleep now…
Hanging out with Alex in Denny’s 24 hour café; we’ve been here since 11. Had some dinner here, and dessert, and we’ve just been chatting about
2:41am Denny’s
Still here; just finished the lateral thinking puzzles. We got 28 out of 50 correct. This is so much fun. Randomest night ever…
3:05am Denny’s
Just finished the trivia question; they weren’t as fun as the lateral thinking puzzles.
3:49am Denny’s
I love the glasses here. They have indents where you put your thumb and third finger; ingenious, but simple innovation. Anyway, I think we’re going to head out now. We’ve been here for almost 5 hours; crazy!!! Oh wow, there are two police men in here; a guy’s at a table and he’s not responding, so they’re talking with him now… It looks like it’s all been sorted out; I think the manager’s just apologised to the guy; so weird.
5:23am 地下鉄
We’re in the subway, waiting for the first train to Kanayama; I’m going to go back to the hostel, and shower and change. Bought an all day ticket, which can be used on all buses and trains linked to the 名城線 (Meijo line) for just 600円. We just spent the last hour and a half wandering around the outside of Sakae station, and park, taking pictures of cats. We’re going to go back to Alex’s dorm and chill there for most of the day.
6:05am Hostel Ann
Just chilling in the hostel. I had a shower and gave Alex her Christmas present; kimono obi and yatsuhashi.
8:12am Vie de France
Just ate a breakfast consisting of spinach and fetta pastry, and an apple cake at Vie de France in 本郷駅 (Hongo station). Going to catch the bus to Alex’s dorm…
Just had a couple of hours sleep here on the lounge, and feel a lot better now. I’m just about to steal some of Alex’s cereal for “breakfast”. I’ve been introduced to a few people here; they all seem very lively. Don’t know what we’ll be doing for the rest of the day… The “I-house”, as it’s called is pretty nice. Unfortunately for me as a guest, I don’t get to see most of it. I’m only allowed in the lounge, 玄関 (genkan - entrance) and 中庭 (nakaniwa – courtyard); I can’t even go up stairs to see Alex’s room; oh well, rules are rules I guess.
3:21pm I-house
I here in the lounge, and typing this in real time! I’ve been working on my blog for the past few hours, while Alex has been helping Rosy record her singing voice for a friend’s Christmas present; she has an amazing voice. They’ve had to do it in the hall in front of the guest toilet’s, since guests aren’t allowed in the library, or anywhere they could find that was quiet for that matter; Rosy has just moved out of I-house so she’s technically a guest. Oh, and technically, I’m supposed to be with Alex at all times. I tried sitting with them on the floor for a little while, but then my battery was about to die on my laptop so I come back in here. This lounge is really cool. They have to TV’s and a multitude of consoles; PS2, PS3, Wii, two Nintendo. They even have two of those step pads for a dancing game. I’m starving, so hopefully Alex will be done soon so we can go out and eat…
I’m in my bed, in my room, in the hostel and, on second inspection, it’s actually a lot nicer than I thought. Yes it’s small, but the beds are a decent size; I fit in the top bunk comfortably. All the bedding is supplied, and although the mattress is thin, I’m sure I’ll sleep like a log regardless; so tired. And we even have an air conditioner; I’m actually really warm now… Alex and I went for dinner at an okonomiyaki place down the road at about 5, which was really nice. Walking there and back wasn’t very pleasant though; it was cold and windy. Getting back, we chilled out at the I-house a bit longer, watching a guy play this really cool game on the PS3. At about 8:50, we caught the bus back
Day 117 - 25th of December
1:23pm 特急
I’m on the rapid express to Tambabashi, where I’ll change over for Kyoto station on the Kinsetsu line. I won’t write much since I’m standing. Gosh it’s hot today though; I’m disappointed…
1:26pm 特急
Okay, now I’m sitting down, just left Kuzuha. So yeah, I put my huge warm coat on and feel disgusting. I think I’ll put it in my suitcase. I realise it’s a bit of a late start, but I should make it there a little after 3; it’ll be fine. This morning was really nice. Seeing everyone and the smiles on their faces as they opened the presents we spoke for about two hours. The two boxes arrived on time, but I forgot to ask them about the postcards; hopefully they made it. I gave everyone in the dorm I could find a candy cane, and left one for my roommate. When I got to Hirakata station, I wanted to go to the ATM; that didn’t happen. The line was coming out the door. I was also really surprised that the bank was even open; Christmas really isn’t that important here. Not much else to say… oh just wanted to add that the train is relatively quiet; the fact that I’m sitting down is a rarity. I guess most people aren’t travelling, but I guess that makes sense.
1:44pm 丹波橋
I’m in Tambabashi, and I thought I was lucky, getting here for the limited express, but when it came in, I realised that you needed a different ticket, which is more expensive…
1:52pm 急行
Oh well, now I’m on the express and I even get to sit down. I’ll get to Kyoto, soon enough…
2:16pm 新幹線
Phew, just made it on in time. Going to take some video…
2:35pm 新幹線
I’m sitting on my suitcase, right in front of the door, watching the world rapidly speed past; it’s spectacular. So many Shinkansen have gone past already; and you can feel it every time one goes past. Since I got a non-reserved ticket, there aren’t any seats, so although the suitcase isn’t comfortable, at least I can sit down, and get a great view. See you soon Alex…
2:47pm 新幹線
Wow, I’m already here; that took only 30 minutes!!!
3:20pm 名古屋駅
Out the front of the station, waiting for Alex. Just had Makkas for lunch; feeling great, xD. I’m in Nagoya; that’s so cool!!! 4th largest city in Japan, and uncharted territory for me; this is Alex’s town.
4:00pm 特急
On the limited express to 金山 (Kamayama) with Alex. It took us a while, but we finally found the right train…
5:04pm 名城線
On the train to 栄 (Sakae). Just came from my accommodation. I can see why it’s so cheap. The rooms are so tiny!!! 4 people are squished into a space half the size of my dorm; it’s probably even smaller than my room at home. Oh well, it’s only for sleeping. I’ve already met one of my bunkmates; a guy from Perth. Alex was having a good old conversation with him. Have to go…
I’m on the rapid express to Tambabashi, where I’ll change over for Kyoto station on the Kinsetsu line. I won’t write much since I’m standing. Gosh it’s hot today though; I’m disappointed…
1:26pm 特急
Okay, now I’m sitting down, just left Kuzuha. So yeah, I put my huge warm coat on and feel disgusting. I think I’ll put it in my suitcase. I realise it’s a bit of a late start, but I should make it there a little after 3; it’ll be fine. This morning was really nice. Seeing everyone and the smiles on their faces as they opened the presents we spoke for about two hours. The two boxes arrived on time, but I forgot to ask them about the postcards; hopefully they made it. I gave everyone in the dorm I could find a candy cane, and left one for my roommate. When I got to Hirakata station, I wanted to go to the ATM; that didn’t happen. The line was coming out the door. I was also really surprised that the bank was even open; Christmas really isn’t that important here. Not much else to say… oh just wanted to add that the train is relatively quiet; the fact that I’m sitting down is a rarity. I guess most people aren’t travelling, but I guess that makes sense.
1:44pm 丹波橋
I’m in Tambabashi, and I thought I was lucky, getting here for the limited express, but when it came in, I realised that you needed a different ticket, which is more expensive…
1:52pm 急行
Oh well, now I’m on the express and I even get to sit down. I’ll get to Kyoto, soon enough…
2:16pm 新幹線
Phew, just made it on in time. Going to take some video…
2:35pm 新幹線
I’m sitting on my suitcase, right in front of the door, watching the world rapidly speed past; it’s spectacular. So many Shinkansen have gone past already; and you can feel it every time one goes past. Since I got a non-reserved ticket, there aren’t any seats, so although the suitcase isn’t comfortable, at least I can sit down, and get a great view. See you soon Alex…
2:47pm 新幹線
Wow, I’m already here; that took only 30 minutes!!!
3:20pm 名古屋駅
Out the front of the station, waiting for Alex. Just had Makkas for lunch; feeling great, xD. I’m in Nagoya; that’s so cool!!! 4th largest city in Japan, and uncharted territory for me; this is Alex’s town.
4:00pm 特急
On the limited express to 金山 (Kamayama) with Alex. It took us a while, but we finally found the right train…
5:04pm 名城線
On the train to 栄 (Sakae). Just came from my accommodation. I can see why it’s so cheap. The rooms are so tiny!!! 4 people are squished into a space half the size of my dorm; it’s probably even smaller than my room at home. Oh well, it’s only for sleeping. I’ve already met one of my bunkmates; a guy from Perth. Alex was having a good old conversation with him. Have to go…
Friday, 25 December 2009
Day 116 - 24th of December
11:15pm セミナーハウス
It’s Christmas Eve, but it really doesn’t feel like it. If I were at home, I would have been helping Mum put the Christmas presents around the tree. Instead, I’ve been packing for Nagoya tomorrow; can’t wait to see Alex. We’ve planned to go find a nice restaurant to eat at, and then pull an all-nighter at karaoke; Alex won’t be able to get back into her dorm till at least 7am. At least with ours, we have a key and can come in at any time. Anyway, today… Well, I got up late (I’m starting to make a bad habit of that), had the last of the cereal, and then found out from Yuji that my new roommate would be coming today or tomorrow; okay cool, I thought. Then, as I was going back to my room, Otousan came over and told me that my roommate would be coming today; soon! So I thought, okay, I’ll just have a quick shower and then be ready.
Just as I was getting into the shower, Otousan came through with him; whoops. It was all good though; after getting out I went to introduce myself to Ryan. He’s from New York City, he’s already been here a semester, he’s an Asian Studies major, and has a Japanese girlfriend. I know this because he will be spending Christmas with her; he’s already left. He’s also informed me that I’ll probably only see him on Monday’s and Tuesday’s; this is going to be weird. I’m kinda disappointed, but I guess some alone time will be good for me. So, I left him at his computer, wishing him a Merry Christmas, as I went off to uni at about 1:30. There, I checked my mail, got a new ID card (having been accepted to continue my studies here next semester), and had lunch; ah my beloved katsudon.
Shortly after, I made my way back to find myself alone once more. I finished off as much as I could for dinner tonight; 5 eggs, mushrooms, Diego’s tomatoes, and Jacinthe’s capsicum and spring onion she left for me. And, I just ate a heap of mandarin, and some cake, so just got rice and 4 eggs left for tomorrow; unfortunately I had to throw away Jacinthe’s milk. Oh yeah, and I got to do my washing today; finally. I folded all that, packed what I needed, and uploaded some more video to my computer. Now, time for bed. Merry Christmas…
It’s Christmas Eve, but it really doesn’t feel like it. If I were at home, I would have been helping Mum put the Christmas presents around the tree. Instead, I’ve been packing for Nagoya tomorrow; can’t wait to see Alex. We’ve planned to go find a nice restaurant to eat at, and then pull an all-nighter at karaoke; Alex won’t be able to get back into her dorm till at least 7am. At least with ours, we have a key and can come in at any time. Anyway, today… Well, I got up late (I’m starting to make a bad habit of that), had the last of the cereal, and then found out from Yuji that my new roommate would be coming today or tomorrow; okay cool, I thought. Then, as I was going back to my room, Otousan came over and told me that my roommate would be coming today; soon! So I thought, okay, I’ll just have a quick shower and then be ready.
Just as I was getting into the shower, Otousan came through with him; whoops. It was all good though; after getting out I went to introduce myself to Ryan. He’s from New York City, he’s already been here a semester, he’s an Asian Studies major, and has a Japanese girlfriend. I know this because he will be spending Christmas with her; he’s already left. He’s also informed me that I’ll probably only see him on Monday’s and Tuesday’s; this is going to be weird. I’m kinda disappointed, but I guess some alone time will be good for me. So, I left him at his computer, wishing him a Merry Christmas, as I went off to uni at about 1:30. There, I checked my mail, got a new ID card (having been accepted to continue my studies here next semester), and had lunch; ah my beloved katsudon.
Shortly after, I made my way back to find myself alone once more. I finished off as much as I could for dinner tonight; 5 eggs, mushrooms, Diego’s tomatoes, and Jacinthe’s capsicum and spring onion she left for me. And, I just ate a heap of mandarin, and some cake, so just got rice and 4 eggs left for tomorrow; unfortunately I had to throw away Jacinthe’s milk. Oh yeah, and I got to do my washing today; finally. I folded all that, packed what I needed, and uploaded some more video to my computer. Now, time for bed. Merry Christmas…
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Day 115 - 23rd of December
4:39pm 特急
Yay for new journal! I’m here on the limited express to Kyobashi, where I will switch over to the Nakanoshima line and get off at なにわ橋 (Naniwabashi), to see the lights. We’ve just started moving now.
It feels weird doing this on my own, but kinda cool too. I can just take this evening at my own pace. It’s cloudy, but looks like it’s clearing up. I’m as snug as a bug in a rug, so I’m well prepared for the cold to come. Today was pretty lazy… I woke up pretty late this morning, had breakfast, and then went out hoping to get some money out of the ATM at uni. But, it was closed. Of course it was closed; it’s the Emperor’s birthday today. So, I had absolutely no money. But, I did know there was a Sumitomo Mitsui ATM at Makino, so I decided I would go there just before getting on the train. In the mean time, I had the other pizza I made last night for lunch, and talked with family for a few hours. I borrowed Jacinthe’s battery charger, and got it back to her just at the right time; her bus for Tokyo leaves tonight at 9:30. I’ll be in Kyobashi pretty soon, then off to the viewing…
5:01pm 快速急行
Now I’m on the rapid express to Naniwabashi…
8:20pm なにわ橋
I’m in Naniwabashi, waiting for the rapid express, which will take me to Hirakata, where I’ll switch for Makino. Tonight was great; I got heaps of photos and film
, and was really happy to have seen so much in such a short amount of time. What can I say; the light displays were absolutely spectacular. As soon as I exited the station they were in view. I started at the east park, and worked my way down and back, through lit up rose gardens and sparkling trees, past figurines and art. There were boats all lit up, cruising down the river, and even a floating huge rubber duck. I went through the middle park next, where I got some food at one of the many stalls. Huge sections of road had been shut off for the event, and there were lights everywhere; especially outstanding was the Central Public Hall. The architecture was very European, and the city itself was very beautiful; I’d love to go again in the day.
I continued all the way over to the west park, which took about 15 minutes walk. It was by the Osaka University of Art, and there were some great pieces on display. But the stand out was a huge sand sculpture dubbed “The Urban Angel’s Story II”; the detail was incredible. I watched a guitar and harp duo on stage, playing music with a very Spanish influence, and saw a huge snowman, and penguins lit up. There was a lot of food there too, from many different cultures. I was hungry, but the lines were long, so I instead made my way back, to finish seeing the rest of the middle park. I got a warm soba broth, and walked through a forest of trees, flickering in sync with the music; it was all so amazing.
8:34pm 快速急行
On the train now, and surprised that I’m actually sitting down; I am certainly very glad of it. It was so different doing something on my own, and while I had no one to share my appreciation of the night, I still really enjoyed myself. I’m so tired now. When I get home, I’m going straight to bed; have to pack for Nagoya tomorrow.
Yay for new journal! I’m here on the limited express to Kyobashi, where I will switch over to the Nakanoshima line and get off at なにわ橋 (Naniwabashi), to see the lights. We’ve just started moving now.

5:01pm 快速急行
Now I’m on the rapid express to Naniwabashi…
8:20pm なにわ橋
I’m in Naniwabashi, waiting for the rapid express, which will take me to Hirakata, where I’ll switch for Makino. Tonight was great; I got heaps of photos and film

8:34pm 快速急行
On the train now, and surprised that I’m actually sitting down; I am certainly very glad of it. It was so different doing something on my own, and while I had no one to share my appreciation of the night, I still really enjoyed myself. I’m so tired now. When I get home, I’m going straight to bed; have to pack for Nagoya tomorrow.
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Day 114 - 22nd of December
10:43am 普通電車
We’re on the local train to Kadomashi. And when I say we, I mean Carly and I, and her luggage, which weighs as much as another person; we’ll call her Casey. We walked all the way from the seminar house to Makino station with Casey at about 10 this morning and gosh it was a mission. This was not fun at all, compared to yesterday with Diego and Jessica’s luggage, which would have weighed less than Casey. At Makino there wasn’t an elevator to get into the station, so was had to split Casey up and take her down in pieces; that was not pleasant. Luckily, there was an elevator to get onto the platform. Well, we’re on the train now, time to relax before the final haul…
11:17am 普通電車
And back to Makino I go… alone! Bye Carly…
11:12pm セミナーハウス
Long day! After getting to Kadomashi, I helped Carly drag Casey all the way to the monorail, getting though the ticket gate without a ticket; it was all good though cause I was coming straight back out. Bought a ticket back to Makino; had to switch over at Kayashima again. I finished off my 4th journal this morning, so now onto the 5th. Getting back to Makino, I bought a loaf of bread and then walked home; so much easier without Casey being all uncooperative. Since it was past 12 when I returned, I didn’t have much time to get the rest of my room in order; I was so glad I’d done most of it last night. When Okaasan came I was just finishing up. My inspection was about 20 minutes, so I didn’t beat Diego, not by a long shot; oh well, it’s all done now. After lunch, I brought my new futon in and set it up. And when I say new, I mean brand new. They’re much better than the old ones; I was really comfortable napping this afternoon. I also put out my roommate-to-be’s futon; the room doesn’t feel as empty now.
I made pizza for dinner (again), and chatted with Yuji, Jacinthe and Kyle. Jacinthe made this amazing recipe from Quebec called Sucre a la crème (sugar and cream). It’s a lot like fudge, but creamier. She put a box on the table for everyone to share; it was delicious. Kyle bought a new DS game but was having trouble figuring out how to do it, since it was all in Japanese; Jacinthe and I were puzzling over it for a while too. So many people have left now, and most of the people who are staying here for winter, have already left for travel. Katie and Ash went to Tokyo yesterday, Jacinthe is going on Thursday, Jo has gone to Hokkaido, as has someone else. Well, I’ll be going to Nagoya soon, so I don’t feel too left out. I think it’s time for bed now. Tomorrow I’ll drop into to uni and do some grocery shopping in the morning, talk with family at lunch, and then I’m going to 中之島 (nakanoshima) for the 光のルネサンス (Hikari-Renaissance) from 5 till 10; so excited. A huge array of light displays are going to be there; I hope I can get round to see most of it.
We’re on the local train to Kadomashi. And when I say we, I mean Carly and I, and her luggage, which weighs as much as another person; we’ll call her Casey. We walked all the way from the seminar house to Makino station with Casey at about 10 this morning and gosh it was a mission. This was not fun at all, compared to yesterday with Diego and Jessica’s luggage, which would have weighed less than Casey. At Makino there wasn’t an elevator to get into the station, so was had to split Casey up and take her down in pieces; that was not pleasant. Luckily, there was an elevator to get onto the platform. Well, we’re on the train now, time to relax before the final haul…
11:17am 普通電車
And back to Makino I go… alone! Bye Carly…
11:12pm セミナーハウス
Long day! After getting to Kadomashi, I helped Carly drag Casey all the way to the monorail, getting though the ticket gate without a ticket; it was all good though cause I was coming straight back out. Bought a ticket back to Makino; had to switch over at Kayashima again. I finished off my 4th journal this morning, so now onto the 5th. Getting back to Makino, I bought a loaf of bread and then walked home; so much easier without Casey being all uncooperative. Since it was past 12 when I returned, I didn’t have much time to get the rest of my room in order; I was so glad I’d done most of it last night. When Okaasan came I was just finishing up. My inspection was about 20 minutes, so I didn’t beat Diego, not by a long shot; oh well, it’s all done now. After lunch, I brought my new futon in and set it up. And when I say new, I mean brand new. They’re much better than the old ones; I was really comfortable napping this afternoon. I also put out my roommate-to-be’s futon; the room doesn’t feel as empty now.
I made pizza for dinner (again), and chatted with Yuji, Jacinthe and Kyle. Jacinthe made this amazing recipe from Quebec called Sucre a la crème (sugar and cream). It’s a lot like fudge, but creamier. She put a box on the table for everyone to share; it was delicious. Kyle bought a new DS game but was having trouble figuring out how to do it, since it was all in Japanese; Jacinthe and I were puzzling over it for a while too. So many people have left now, and most of the people who are staying here for winter, have already left for travel. Katie and Ash went to Tokyo yesterday, Jacinthe is going on Thursday, Jo has gone to Hokkaido, as has someone else. Well, I’ll be going to Nagoya soon, so I don’t feel too left out. I think it’s time for bed now. Tomorrow I’ll drop into to uni and do some grocery shopping in the morning, talk with family at lunch, and then I’m going to 中之島 (nakanoshima) for the 光のルネサンス (Hikari-Renaissance) from 5 till 10; so excited. A huge array of light displays are going to be there; I hope I can get round to see most of it.
Day 113 - 21st of December
10:58 普通電車
Carly and I are on the train back to Hirakata from 門真市 (Kadomashi), where Diego and Jessica left for the Osaka monorail to the Airport. Jessica will be leaving for America this afternoon, and Diego will be staying in a hotel for his plane tomorrow morning… We’ve just been kicked off the train and are now in 萱嶋 (Kayashima), and are waiting for the next train. So yeah, this morning we were up at 7, getting the room ready (well at least Diego’s side) for his inspection at 9. It ended up being Okaasan’s fastest, at just 7 minutes; something for me to beat tomorrow. Diego was seen off, and then we left for the bus with his two big suitcases. I decided to film the bus ride, and we had a bit of a running commentary about his time in Japan. At Hirakata station, we had to wait for Jessica to arrive. Carly and I decided to buy our tickets for Toji then, so we could go through with Diego and help him with his luggage. Diego, a little anxious, decided we should go and wait on the platform. Jessica wasn’t picking up her phone for some reason, so we didn’t know where to meet her. Eventually, we found out that she was waiting in front of Uniqlo, so we went back down and found her; she was with her host Mum and Brother. Since they were in a bit of a hurry, we were a little hasty and went back up to the same platform, to find that it was the wrong one, so we had to quickly get over to the next one. We just made onto the limited express.
It was only after we got on did we realise it would not be stopping at Kadomashi, but would be going directly to Kyobashi. Luckily, doing it this way would work out taking about the same time anyway. By getting off at Kyobashi and taking the local train back, there were fewer stops. Between the four of us, we made all the trains just in time, and I enjoyed taking Diego’s large suitcase up and down the stairs; it was a great workout. I got a bit of film of us on the trains, and then of our final farewell; they crossed the ticket gate and we could go no further. We watched them disappear from view, and then made for the train, only to turn around and see them going in the other direction; lolz, I wish I would have gotten it on film. I’m going to miss Diego; the room already felt empty without him this morning. But, I’m excited to get a new roommate too…
11:22am 枚方市駅
Now we’re in Hirakata station, waiting for the rapid express to Tambabashi...
11:56am 丹波橋駅
Waiting about 10 minutes for the train to Toji. So hungry; going to eat as soon as I get to the flea market. Just snacked on a メロンパン (melon pan – half-melon-shaped bread), but that just wasn’t at all satisfying.
The flea market was intense! It was so much bigger than last time; absolutely jam-packed. We were directed to the side gate past some amazing bonsai; some were huge. There was just a continuous stream of people. Our first stop was the たい焼き (taiyaki – fish-shaped batter filled with sweet bean, chocolate, custard etc.) stall. Since they only have sweet bean or custard, we opted for the custard, and happily munched on them as we made our way through the crowds. I saw so many great things there and can’t wait to have a really good look. Today was just a quick trip though, because Carly and I had to get back to clean our rooms for inspection. Carly was able to complete her kimono, finding an obi and sash. We saw Katie and Ash there (as well as many other students from Kansai), and Ash told my about a stall selling the Japanese imperial uniform and coats. I found it a bit later; so cool, but too small for me.
As we were browsing, this lady gave Carly the rest of her cup of fried sweet potato. Carly said she just looked at it, and then the lady offered us the whole thing; such kindness. I had okonomiyaki for lunch, and bought a necklace for Carly for Christmas; we decided she would choose it and I’d buy it. It’s a leaf-shaped crystal with an owl inside; since I was nicknamed búho (owl in Spanish) by Diego because of the sounds I make, xD. I even got it at a discount since we were students; so awesome. We wandered through to the front entrance, and then left for home. When we were at Toji station, it snowed for a few minutes; it was sunny for the rest of the afternoon though. At home, I had fun cleaning, and rearranging my desk; I’m really happy with how it’s turned out. Ended up cleaning until dinner, and I made gyudon; I love it now. I got to keep Carly’s mirin too. Spent the rest of the night just chilling, and talking with Carly.
Carly and I are on the train back to Hirakata from 門真市 (Kadomashi), where Diego and Jessica left for the Osaka monorail to the Airport. Jessica will be leaving for America this afternoon, and Diego will be staying in a hotel for his plane tomorrow morning… We’ve just been kicked off the train and are now in 萱嶋 (Kayashima), and are waiting for the next train. So yeah, this morning we were up at 7, getting the room ready (well at least Diego’s side) for his inspection at 9. It ended up being Okaasan’s fastest, at just 7 minutes; something for me to beat tomorrow. Diego was seen off, and then we left for the bus with his two big suitcases. I decided to film the bus ride, and we had a bit of a running commentary about his time in Japan. At Hirakata station, we had to wait for Jessica to arrive. Carly and I decided to buy our tickets for Toji then, so we could go through with Diego and help him with his luggage. Diego, a little anxious, decided we should go and wait on the platform. Jessica wasn’t picking up her phone for some reason, so we didn’t know where to meet her. Eventually, we found out that she was waiting in front of Uniqlo, so we went back down and found her; she was with her host Mum and Brother. Since they were in a bit of a hurry, we were a little hasty and went back up to the same platform, to find that it was the wrong one, so we had to quickly get over to the next one. We just made onto the limited express.
It was only after we got on did we realise it would not be stopping at Kadomashi, but would be going directly to Kyobashi. Luckily, doing it this way would work out taking about the same time anyway. By getting off at Kyobashi and taking the local train back, there were fewer stops. Between the four of us, we made all the trains just in time, and I enjoyed taking Diego’s large suitcase up and down the stairs; it was a great workout. I got a bit of film of us on the trains, and then of our final farewell; they crossed the ticket gate and we could go no further. We watched them disappear from view, and then made for the train, only to turn around and see them going in the other direction; lolz, I wish I would have gotten it on film. I’m going to miss Diego; the room already felt empty without him this morning. But, I’m excited to get a new roommate too…
11:22am 枚方市駅
Now we’re in Hirakata station, waiting for the rapid express to Tambabashi...
11:56am 丹波橋駅
Waiting about 10 minutes for the train to Toji. So hungry; going to eat as soon as I get to the flea market. Just snacked on a メロンパン (melon pan – half-melon-shaped bread), but that just wasn’t at all satisfying.
The flea market was intense! It was so much bigger than last time; absolutely jam-packed. We were directed to the side gate past some amazing bonsai; some were huge. There was just a continuous stream of people. Our first stop was the たい焼き (taiyaki – fish-shaped batter filled with sweet bean, chocolate, custard etc.) stall. Since they only have sweet bean or custard, we opted for the custard, and happily munched on them as we made our way through the crowds. I saw so many great things there and can’t wait to have a really good look. Today was just a quick trip though, because Carly and I had to get back to clean our rooms for inspection. Carly was able to complete her kimono, finding an obi and sash. We saw Katie and Ash there (as well as many other students from Kansai), and Ash told my about a stall selling the Japanese imperial uniform and coats. I found it a bit later; so cool, but too small for me.
As we were browsing, this lady gave Carly the rest of her cup of fried sweet potato. Carly said she just looked at it, and then the lady offered us the whole thing; such kindness. I had okonomiyaki for lunch, and bought a necklace for Carly for Christmas; we decided she would choose it and I’d buy it. It’s a leaf-shaped crystal with an owl inside; since I was nicknamed búho (owl in Spanish) by Diego because of the sounds I make, xD. I even got it at a discount since we were students; so awesome. We wandered through to the front entrance, and then left for home. When we were at Toji station, it snowed for a few minutes; it was sunny for the rest of the afternoon though. At home, I had fun cleaning, and rearranging my desk; I’m really happy with how it’s turned out. Ended up cleaning until dinner, and I made gyudon; I love it now. I got to keep Carly’s mirin too. Spent the rest of the night just chilling, and talking with Carly.
Day 112 - 20th of December
10:11am 特急
Carly and I are on the limited express from Hirakata to Kyobashi. We had a pretty late start, but we’re off now. Walked to Makino this morning, and it was freezing. Hopefully don’t get back too late tonight. Anyway, first stop: Osaka Castle!
10:33am 京橋
Lol, we just ran onto the train in Kyobashi, thinking we were set, then the guy came down saying it wasn’t in service. So now we’re waiting for the next one, to go one station down to 大阪城公園 (Osakajokoen – Osaka Castle Park).
1:38am 長堀鶴見緑地線
We’re on the subway now, heading toward Shinsaibashi. It was really great seeing the castle again. Although we didn’t go in, we spent a lot of time exploring the grounds and taking in the view of the city. Coming out of the station, the place was packed. There was some sort of convention going on in the hall nearby. We steered well clear of the food booths, already hungry. We went to the 豊國神社 (Houkoku Jinja – “Bountiful Country Shrine”) on the castle grounds, and witnessed the beginnings of a Shinto wedding. We got some great views of the city atop the parapet, and strolled around the jogging track, through the park and past some unicyclists toward Morinomiya were we went down into the subway. I’m so hungry, and we’re going to Sweets Paradise for lunch; all you can eat dessert buffet!!! It’s going to be epic.
3:23pm スィーツパラダイス‐心斎橋
I’m so full already!!! We’re in Sweets Paradise, with 30 minutes left and I can’t eat another bite; I feel sick! This was supposed to
be such a good idea but, oh my gosh. After two plates of cakes, a plate of spaghetti, and ice cream, I feel terrible. Well, it was really cheap 1480円, and I definitely think I ate my monies worth. Finding the place was a little difficult, but with the help of two nice ladies, we were on our way; it was on the 6th floor of a department building (having the whole floor to itself). We had to make a reservation and then come back in half an hour, which wasn’t so bad, except for the fact we were starving, and seeing all the wonderful food was making it worse. So we went to Loft across the way, and found Diego another Christmas present; a tiger amulet. Getting back, we got our ticket out of the machine (which we kept as a souvenir), and were seated. Overawed, we got stuck into it; the set up is great. Next stop, Pokémon centre, if we can move…
6:50pm 大阪環状線
We’re on the Osaka loop line… well now we’re in Noda. We got on the wrong train, and were going around the loop in the wrong direction. Not that it would have mattered; just would have taken longer that’s all. Gosh, the chime for the train is so annoying here. But anyway, we want to get back soon because we’re going to meet Diego in Hirakata and have dinner at Saizeriya. The Pokémon centre was great, once we found it
after a little help for Diego on the phone. It was a bit smaller than I expected, but still really cool; I got heaps of great stuff for Ben. This month is Eevee month, and they have all the evolutions (and Eevee) for sale in plushie form. And you know what Carly did, she went and bought the whole lot of them; all eight. It’s in Umeda, and I wanted to go to Yodobashi Camera as well (this humongous electronics store) but we didn’t have time. But, we did go on the HEP 5 Ferris wheel, on top of a building nearby; it was really cool to see Osaka lit up at night from high up. We could even see the castle…
7:00pm 大阪環状線
Okay, now we’re going in the right direction. I’m writing with the lead from Carly’s mechanical pencil, and it’s just not working, so I’m going to stop now…
Just began cleaning, and clearing things out; so much paper going to waste. I did pick up a few textbooks though, which is really cool. Diego’s going tomorrow; his inspection is at 9 then he’s out of here. We’re going to see him and Jessica off at Hirakata, and then go to the Toji flea market. After getting back to Hirakata, we went to Saizeriya and had our last dinner out with Diego; it was quiet so we got in straight away. After that, we got the bus back, out of the freezing cold. Diego got off at the library, and Carly and I went the next stop down to seminar house 4, to try to pick up my bike. After talking with the Okaasan, I got the keys, and went out to the parking area and found it. Walked back to seminar house 2, parked it, and went in to let Otousan know about it. I tried to explain to situation, but I had to get Yuji to come down and help; silly me had not read the procedures for bikes. I was supposed to get the crime prevention slip from Mark, and go down to the bike shop with him, and get the name changed over. Now the bike will just be taken away and recycled. I’m a bit disappointed but, I survived one semester without a bike so I can survive another.
Carly and I are on the limited express from Hirakata to Kyobashi. We had a pretty late start, but we’re off now. Walked to Makino this morning, and it was freezing. Hopefully don’t get back too late tonight. Anyway, first stop: Osaka Castle!
10:33am 京橋
Lol, we just ran onto the train in Kyobashi, thinking we were set, then the guy came down saying it wasn’t in service. So now we’re waiting for the next one, to go one station down to 大阪城公園 (Osakajokoen – Osaka Castle Park).
We’re on the subway now, heading toward Shinsaibashi. It was really great seeing the castle again. Although we didn’t go in, we spent a lot of time exploring the grounds and taking in the view of the city. Coming out of the station, the place was packed. There was some sort of convention going on in the hall nearby. We steered well clear of the food booths, already hungry. We went to the 豊國神社 (Houkoku Jinja – “Bountiful Country Shrine”) on the castle grounds, and witnessed the beginnings of a Shinto wedding. We got some great views of the city atop the parapet, and strolled around the jogging track, through the park and past some unicyclists toward Morinomiya were we went down into the subway. I’m so hungry, and we’re going to Sweets Paradise for lunch; all you can eat dessert buffet!!! It’s going to be epic.
3:23pm スィーツパラダイス‐心斎橋
I’m so full already!!! We’re in Sweets Paradise, with 30 minutes left and I can’t eat another bite; I feel sick! This was supposed to
6:50pm 大阪環状線
We’re on the Osaka loop line… well now we’re in Noda. We got on the wrong train, and were going around the loop in the wrong direction. Not that it would have mattered; just would have taken longer that’s all. Gosh, the chime for the train is so annoying here. But anyway, we want to get back soon because we’re going to meet Diego in Hirakata and have dinner at Saizeriya. The Pokémon centre was great, once we found it
7:00pm 大阪環状線
Okay, now we’re going in the right direction. I’m writing with the lead from Carly’s mechanical pencil, and it’s just not working, so I’m going to stop now…
Just began cleaning, and clearing things out; so much paper going to waste. I did pick up a few textbooks though, which is really cool. Diego’s going tomorrow; his inspection is at 9 then he’s out of here. We’re going to see him and Jessica off at Hirakata, and then go to the Toji flea market. After getting back to Hirakata, we went to Saizeriya and had our last dinner out with Diego; it was quiet so we got in straight away. After that, we got the bus back, out of the freezing cold. Diego got off at the library, and Carly and I went the next stop down to seminar house 4, to try to pick up my bike. After talking with the Okaasan, I got the keys, and went out to the parking area and found it. Walked back to seminar house 2, parked it, and went in to let Otousan know about it. I tried to explain to situation, but I had to get Yuji to come down and help; silly me had not read the procedures for bikes. I was supposed to get the crime prevention slip from Mark, and go down to the bike shop with him, and get the name changed over. Now the bike will just be taken away and recycled. I’m a bit disappointed but, I survived one semester without a bike so I can survive another.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Day 111 - 19th of December
10:54pm セミナーハウス
天気: 寒い
Today was… pretty lazy. I didn’t get up till 11; again. Diego went out again with Jessica today. This time though, I had a much more fulfilling breakfast; scrambled eggs, and French toast. Carly was also trying to make chocolate pancakes, but they didn’t work out so well so we put the batter into the baking tray and made it into a cake. At about 4, we went over to seminar house 4 to go pick up the bikes. We’d never been inside before; everything was huge. Unfortunately Mark wasn’t there; I left him a note, but we haven’t been able to make contact yet. Might be able to pick them up in the morning; fingers crossed…
Okay just talked with him on the phone, I’m going to go in tomorrow at 8. So that’s sorted. After going to Sem 4, we went to Avail, and I got a few things there. I got this nice yellow shirt that says “I J JPN” on the front. We also bought a zodiac shirt for Diego, the bunny thinking that was his year; we were wrong. When we got back and presented it to him, he told us he was a tiger; because he is born in January, before the Chinese New Year. So yeah, now he’s got a cute little pink bunny on a green shirt. It’s kinda funny actually cause a bunny seems the complete opposite to a tiger. Anyway, we’re going to get a picture with all three of us together in the shirts; Carly got her snake one today too.
So yeah, soon after that we had dinner, and then Diego decided to clean out his cupboard. This motivated me to clean the fridge out. Diego came and helped out; he pulled out the bottom tray and took it the shower to wash it. It was pretty gross; there was cheese stuck on the insides, and mould on the bottom. I felt good to get it done though; cleaning inspection next week and Otousan and Okaasan will expect it to be clean. I also cleaned out my own cupboard. Diego offered up all his stuff; I gave most of it away, but kept some things. It was only about 9 by the time I finished, and I’ve been spending the rest of the night capturing video from my tapes and talking with Alex. Christmas is just around the corner, and I’m really excited to see her. Anyway, bed. Carly and I are going to Osaka tomorrow; gonna be heaps of fun. Good night…
天気: 寒い
Today was… pretty lazy. I didn’t get up till 11; again. Diego went out again with Jessica today. This time though, I had a much more fulfilling breakfast; scrambled eggs, and French toast. Carly was also trying to make chocolate pancakes, but they didn’t work out so well so we put the batter into the baking tray and made it into a cake. At about 4, we went over to seminar house 4 to go pick up the bikes. We’d never been inside before; everything was huge. Unfortunately Mark wasn’t there; I left him a note, but we haven’t been able to make contact yet. Might be able to pick them up in the morning; fingers crossed…
Okay just talked with him on the phone, I’m going to go in tomorrow at 8. So that’s sorted. After going to Sem 4, we went to Avail, and I got a few things there. I got this nice yellow shirt that says “I J JPN” on the front. We also bought a zodiac shirt for Diego, the bunny thinking that was his year; we were wrong. When we got back and presented it to him, he told us he was a tiger; because he is born in January, before the Chinese New Year. So yeah, now he’s got a cute little pink bunny on a green shirt. It’s kinda funny actually cause a bunny seems the complete opposite to a tiger. Anyway, we’re going to get a picture with all three of us together in the shirts; Carly got her snake one today too.
So yeah, soon after that we had dinner, and then Diego decided to clean out his cupboard. This motivated me to clean the fridge out. Diego came and helped out; he pulled out the bottom tray and took it the shower to wash it. It was pretty gross; there was cheese stuck on the insides, and mould on the bottom. I felt good to get it done though; cleaning inspection next week and Otousan and Okaasan will expect it to be clean. I also cleaned out my own cupboard. Diego offered up all his stuff; I gave most of it away, but kept some things. It was only about 9 by the time I finished, and I’ve been spending the rest of the night capturing video from my tapes and talking with Alex. Christmas is just around the corner, and I’m really excited to see her. Anyway, bed. Carly and I are going to Osaka tomorrow; gonna be heaps of fun. Good night…
Friday, 18 December 2009
Day 110 - 18th of December
11:12pm セミナーハウス
I didn’t end up getting back till 4:30 in the morning. Karaoke was so much fun. Although it was expensive, we got free refills. I was switching rooms throughout the night, and the Japanese girls were really impressed by my singing skills, xD. I ordered a caramel parfait while I was there. It was so good, with tiramisu cake, and chocolate biscuit, and cream and nuts, and strangely, frosty flakes; the same ones I eat for breakfast. I added a great texture though; it’s certainly given me a good idea of what to put in my ice cream when I get back. We had a bit of a scare at about 3. The TV suddenly shut off, and a voice came over the speaker; a fire warning! The Japanese girls understood straight away, freaked and got us to quickly move out of the room. We were in the corridor for less than a minute before they came over the speakers again saying everything was fine; what a relief. So the TV came back on, and we continued. The last song I sang was with Midori sempai. I had never heard the song before, but I screamed out the lyrics (musically of course) nevertheless; it was great.
Some of the group decided to continue on, but Midori, Saki, Justin, Niky, Mark, Sean and I
left. Giving Chiharu the money, and saying our goodbyes, we took the elevator down, and out into the cold. From there we all split up; Niky took a taxi home, Midori went with her boyfriend, Sean made his way back to Kuzuha on foot (so far!!!), and Justin, Mark, and I walked back to the seminar houses. I was really appreciative of that, because they both had bikes and could have just ridden home. We talked about differences between Australia and America, ethical issues, and language; a very riveting conversation. I made a comment about wishing I had a bike, and they both offered theirs to me for free. I was so taken aback, but extremely happy, and of course accepted. I’ll be taking both; one for me, and the other to give to someone new who wants one next semester. I’ll be picking them up tomorrow.
I didn’t end up getting out of bed until 11; I still had cereal for breakfast though. Diego had already left for Kyoto with Jessica. Carly and I on the other hand, went to Kansai Gaidai to pick up my results from CEL. I was so surprised; I got 98 out of 100 for the quiz and a 92 for my report. I also got three letters from Nanny and Poppy, which was a little odd. I’m not going to open then till Christmas though. We decided to have another look at the exhibition and take some pictures this time. After that, we went into Hirakata, to cancel Carly’s account, get me some tooth paste. Getting back, we had lunch (at 4), and said our goodbyes to Amber; she left with her boyfriend. I got so much leftover food from her, and several other people. Boxes have been placed in the kitchen where people can put there unfinished containers. This has created a free for all for us who are staying over winter; my poor cupboard is already bulging. There are also boxes for clothes, books, shoes, toiletries, hangers etc. downstairs, which I will also raid at some point.
Carly and I were going to meet Jessica and Diego in Arashiyama, but we left it too late; it was already dark and freezing. And, Diego and Jessica were already leaving. We did make a quick trip to Sanko though. Since we had such a late lunch we didn’t end up eating until 9; I had yakisoba. Feels so good to have everything over and done with. Well, have to get the room inspection done on Tuesday; gotta make sure everything’s in order. I think I’m going to have a big clean up tomorrow. So many people have left already; the futon are piling up outside the elevator. Ash and I were talking about how fun it will be to share our knowledge with the people coming aboard next semester; I can’t wait. She and Katie have moved in together now since Amber’s gone; I hope they don’t get sick of each other. Anyway, it’s late and I need sleep…
I didn’t end up getting back till 4:30 in the morning. Karaoke was so much fun. Although it was expensive, we got free refills. I was switching rooms throughout the night, and the Japanese girls were really impressed by my singing skills, xD. I ordered a caramel parfait while I was there. It was so good, with tiramisu cake, and chocolate biscuit, and cream and nuts, and strangely, frosty flakes; the same ones I eat for breakfast. I added a great texture though; it’s certainly given me a good idea of what to put in my ice cream when I get back. We had a bit of a scare at about 3. The TV suddenly shut off, and a voice came over the speaker; a fire warning! The Japanese girls understood straight away, freaked and got us to quickly move out of the room. We were in the corridor for less than a minute before they came over the speakers again saying everything was fine; what a relief. So the TV came back on, and we continued. The last song I sang was with Midori sempai. I had never heard the song before, but I screamed out the lyrics (musically of course) nevertheless; it was great.
Some of the group decided to continue on, but Midori, Saki, Justin, Niky, Mark, Sean and I

Carly and I were going to meet Jessica and Diego in Arashiyama, but we left it too late; it was already dark and freezing. And, Diego and Jessica were already leaving. We did make a quick trip to Sanko though. Since we had such a late lunch we didn’t end up eating until 9; I had yakisoba. Feels so good to have everything over and done with. Well, have to get the room inspection done on Tuesday; gotta make sure everything’s in order. I think I’m going to have a big clean up tomorrow. So many people have left already; the futon are piling up outside the elevator. Ash and I were talking about how fun it will be to share our knowledge with the people coming aboard next semester; I can’t wait. She and Katie have moved in together now since Amber’s gone; I hope they don’t get sick of each other. Anyway, it’s late and I need sleep…
Day 109 - 17th of December
Today went from slow to exciting. Since I had my History exam, I spent the morning studying. I also got some of my laundry done; finally. I had to do some hand washing and the freezing water was not a pleasant experience at all. After lunch, I had a shower just to warm myself up. Oh, and I found out that we have clothes lines on the second floor. I can’t believe I never realised this till now but, I was looking out the window on the 4th floor and I saw them. Not that I’m going to use them, but still; really cool. Got my History exam done; I feel okay about it but it wasn’t great. Essay writing just isn’t my thing. Got out at about 4, and that ended all my exams, and university for this semester; wow! I went over to the post office to send off the last of my Christmas cards. I met Jo there, and we walked back into the uni. At first I thought I was just seeing things, but then I realised it was actually snowing; not much, but it was! It did so for a couple of minutes; small flakes. The clouds were so far away, but the wind was indeed very strong. And the cold; it feels like Hokkaido cold now.
I said goodbye to Jo and met Christina. She had to take her books back to the library, which she thought was going to be a problem since her card was now void; they’d punched a hole in the magnetic strip. It turned out fine though. Then we went to get her 10,000円 deposit back at the Shombu office. Finally I took a picture with her and we said our farewells; another one gone. I got back to the dorm, got my laundry in and hung it up. Carly joined me shortly after, and helped me pick out clothes for tonight. I decided to wear a shirt and vest, so I put my huge Hokkaido jacket over the top. We walked to university, to meet the group at the front gate. It snowed again for a bit as we were approaching. Since we arrived a little early, we decided to check out the ceramics and sumi-e exhibition on the second floor of the CIE building. It showcased the students’ works in these courses; there were some amazing items.
We went out to the front gate, and stood out in the cold waiting for the remainder of the group to arrive. Mark was last, coming on his bike, and he let us know that Justin would be coming shortly, and would meet us at the restaurant. After a short walk, we made it to “Ages Café”. Inside was so nice and warm, and the décor was so cool. It was like stepping into someone’s
house. There were lounges and dining tables, and parts sectioned off. The walls were warm bright colours, or had colourful paintings or photos on them; it had a great feel., We took up the back corner of the room. At first we thought they were serving us gin, but it was just water in a gin bottle; clever. The menu had been pre ordered, and while the service was a bit slow, the food was delicious. We started off with a salad, and moved through pizza (two types), garlic bread, potato wedges (sooooo good), two types of pasta, ravioli and sausage, and rice; such a great blend of food and flavours. There were three large plates of each course, so we shared everything. Since we ate at a gradual pace, I felt very content by the end of it; not bloated or sick at all, which could have happened. This also gave us plenty of time for pictures, present giving, and conversation.
Midori sempai joined us near the end, and got to enjoy the last of the food. We must have been there for over two hours. Finally, after people had had their tea or coffee (I stuck with water), we left for karaoke. Some people had to leave, so there ended up being 11 of us in Karaoke (we were joined by a Japanese guy from
the Spanish club, whose name escapes me). The place was pretty expensive, so Midori and Saki sempai went to check out if Ring (the other karaoke place in the station) had any rooms available. It was completely booked out, with foreign students, as we had feared; today would have been the last day of exams for many. So, we waited around for free time to start at 11:30, in the mean time booking two rooms. Carly had to leave, because she had a paper due the next morning; silly girl. While we were waiting, I spotted Eddy and Sonia emerging from one of the rooms, looking very alive. They left with a big group of international students. I was ready for a long, hard karaoke session…
Today went from slow to exciting. Since I had my History exam, I spent the morning studying. I also got some of my laundry done; finally. I had to do some hand washing and the freezing water was not a pleasant experience at all. After lunch, I had a shower just to warm myself up. Oh, and I found out that we have clothes lines on the second floor. I can’t believe I never realised this till now but, I was looking out the window on the 4th floor and I saw them. Not that I’m going to use them, but still; really cool. Got my History exam done; I feel okay about it but it wasn’t great. Essay writing just isn’t my thing. Got out at about 4, and that ended all my exams, and university for this semester; wow! I went over to the post office to send off the last of my Christmas cards. I met Jo there, and we walked back into the uni. At first I thought I was just seeing things, but then I realised it was actually snowing; not much, but it was! It did so for a couple of minutes; small flakes. The clouds were so far away, but the wind was indeed very strong. And the cold; it feels like Hokkaido cold now.
I said goodbye to Jo and met Christina. She had to take her books back to the library, which she thought was going to be a problem since her card was now void; they’d punched a hole in the magnetic strip. It turned out fine though. Then we went to get her 10,000円 deposit back at the Shombu office. Finally I took a picture with her and we said our farewells; another one gone. I got back to the dorm, got my laundry in and hung it up. Carly joined me shortly after, and helped me pick out clothes for tonight. I decided to wear a shirt and vest, so I put my huge Hokkaido jacket over the top. We walked to university, to meet the group at the front gate. It snowed again for a bit as we were approaching. Since we arrived a little early, we decided to check out the ceramics and sumi-e exhibition on the second floor of the CIE building. It showcased the students’ works in these courses; there were some amazing items.
We went out to the front gate, and stood out in the cold waiting for the remainder of the group to arrive. Mark was last, coming on his bike, and he let us know that Justin would be coming shortly, and would meet us at the restaurant. After a short walk, we made it to “Ages Café”. Inside was so nice and warm, and the décor was so cool. It was like stepping into someone’s

Midori sempai joined us near the end, and got to enjoy the last of the food. We must have been there for over two hours. Finally, after people had had their tea or coffee (I stuck with water), we left for karaoke. Some people had to leave, so there ended up being 11 of us in Karaoke (we were joined by a Japanese guy from

Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Day 108 - 16th of December
10:38pm セミナーハウス
Another busy day. Just been spending this evening getting the last of my Christmas stuff sorted out. I woke up at 9 this morning (as usual), got ready, and then went into Hirakata. First stop, bank for new cash card. That was easy enough to sort out; hopefully I don't make that mistake again. So, new cash card in hand, I withdrew a heap of money and hit the shops! No really... I just bought one shirt, and picked up a couple of things for dinner. I walked back to uni, and gt my History essay back (finally). I got 30/30; I was so surprised. Not complaining though, that's for sure. I sent off a few post cards, stopped by the convenience store, and then walked home; it was so cold. I ate the rest of the chicken from last night with rice for lunch, watching a program showing the major events of the 00's. It asked, what kind of decade will the 10's be? I talked with Amber for a little while, then had a nap, then talked with family.
I made pizza and garlic bread for dinner with Diego. Bought this great Garlic butter spread from Hirakata today; it turned out great. As did the pizza; I was very content. Wali (our next door neighbour), was the first to leave tonight. I didn't get to know him well. Still it's sad to think so many more people will be leaving very soon. Jacinthe took the ceramics course this semester and she kindly donated me one of her works; a beautiful green striped bowl. She'll be giving away most of her works, as she just can't psychically take them all home. I came back down to find Diego cleaning the air conditioning filters in the the shower. He said they were black. Been munching on fudge, from the Christmas box I opened tonight (it is sooooo yummy), mandarin, and Diego's sesame seed yatsuhashi. Tomorrow I'm going to get up early and study, then ace the exam! After that going out to tabehodai and karaoke with Koto Club; can't wait.
Another busy day. Just been spending this evening getting the last of my Christmas stuff sorted out. I woke up at 9 this morning (as usual), got ready, and then went into Hirakata. First stop, bank for new cash card. That was easy enough to sort out; hopefully I don't make that mistake again. So, new cash card in hand, I withdrew a heap of money and hit the shops! No really... I just bought one shirt, and picked up a couple of things for dinner. I walked back to uni, and gt my History essay back (finally). I got 30/30; I was so surprised. Not complaining though, that's for sure. I sent off a few post cards, stopped by the convenience store, and then walked home; it was so cold. I ate the rest of the chicken from last night with rice for lunch, watching a program showing the major events of the 00's. It asked, what kind of decade will the 10's be? I talked with Amber for a little while, then had a nap, then talked with family.
I made pizza and garlic bread for dinner with Diego. Bought this great Garlic butter spread from Hirakata today; it turned out great. As did the pizza; I was very content. Wali (our next door neighbour), was the first to leave tonight. I didn't get to know him well. Still it's sad to think so many more people will be leaving very soon. Jacinthe took the ceramics course this semester and she kindly donated me one of her works; a beautiful green striped bowl. She'll be giving away most of her works, as she just can't psychically take them all home. I came back down to find Diego cleaning the air conditioning filters in the the shower. He said they were black. Been munching on fudge, from the Christmas box I opened tonight (it is sooooo yummy), mandarin, and Diego's sesame seed yatsuhashi. Tomorrow I'm going to get up early and study, then ace the exam! After that going out to tabehodai and karaoke with Koto Club; can't wait.
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Day 107 - 15th of December
10:25pm セミナーハウス
Yay, my Japanese exams are all done; so happy!!! I could actually relax a little tonight. Just been watching some great flash movies (Brackenwood) on Diego's computer. So today... slept in a bit, did and bit of study, and then jumped into exam. It was long (8 pages), and tough. I think I did pretty well, but I forgot a few of the vocab words; I'm annoyed about that. Oh well, it's over now; just have to wait and see. After that, I got my 1000円 refunded from buying the INFES t-shirt; that was cool. Then I had to fill out a few forms; nothing major. I decided to go back home for lunch, and had time to rest a while. I bought the New Moon OST off iTunes, and I'm listening to it now; it's really good. I really want to see the movie again now, lolz. Anyway, went back to uni at 4:30 for koto. Today, it was just Sean, Marika, and I. Since the sensei came, we cleaned, then had a little bit of time to practice. We've started on Sandan now. It's pretty easy, though a little hard to follow, and it's long. We played hanagoromo once more with sensei, and then started to work through sandan.
During practice, a photographer came in, to take photos for the senior graduate book. We were beckoned to join the other girls in a group photo. I'll probably never see the photo, but it's still really cool. And that was our last koto practice. I'll be continuing next semester though; Chiharu sempai is the new leader. We finished a little early, and I headed straight home; it was so cold! I made chicken parmigiana for dinner; that took a while, but it was totally worth it. Now, just have a history test to study for. It's not till Thursday though, so I got tomorrow free. Going to go pick up my new cash card, send some postcards, and spend a bit of time in Hirakata in the morning. Hopefully I can get some laundry done; I really need to! Then I'll just spend the rest of the afternoon studying. I'm going to make pizza tomorrow night, and we're going to make garlic bread with it; yummy!! I think I'm going to go and have a shower now, then watch some more Brackenwood...
Yay, my Japanese exams are all done; so happy!!! I could actually relax a little tonight. Just been watching some great flash movies (Brackenwood) on Diego's computer. So today... slept in a bit, did and bit of study, and then jumped into exam. It was long (8 pages), and tough. I think I did pretty well, but I forgot a few of the vocab words; I'm annoyed about that. Oh well, it's over now; just have to wait and see. After that, I got my 1000円 refunded from buying the INFES t-shirt; that was cool. Then I had to fill out a few forms; nothing major. I decided to go back home for lunch, and had time to rest a while. I bought the New Moon OST off iTunes, and I'm listening to it now; it's really good. I really want to see the movie again now, lolz. Anyway, went back to uni at 4:30 for koto. Today, it was just Sean, Marika, and I. Since the sensei came, we cleaned, then had a little bit of time to practice. We've started on Sandan now. It's pretty easy, though a little hard to follow, and it's long. We played hanagoromo once more with sensei, and then started to work through sandan.
During practice, a photographer came in, to take photos for the senior graduate book. We were beckoned to join the other girls in a group photo. I'll probably never see the photo, but it's still really cool. And that was our last koto practice. I'll be continuing next semester though; Chiharu sempai is the new leader. We finished a little early, and I headed straight home; it was so cold! I made chicken parmigiana for dinner; that took a while, but it was totally worth it. Now, just have a history test to study for. It's not till Thursday though, so I got tomorrow free. Going to go pick up my new cash card, send some postcards, and spend a bit of time in Hirakata in the morning. Hopefully I can get some laundry done; I really need to! Then I'll just spend the rest of the afternoon studying. I'm going to make pizza tomorrow night, and we're going to make garlic bread with it; yummy!! I think I'm going to go and have a shower now, then watch some more Brackenwood...
Monday, 14 December 2009
Day 106 - 14th of December
2:51pm 大学
In an empty classroom, just taking a break now. Carly's on Skype, and I should be studying for tomorrow's exam, but I'm not... I woke up at 7:30 this morning, thanks to Diego. It was a good thing though, because I had to get ready before the exam at to I got a chance to talk with my family beforehand though; I'd missed them on the weekend. The exam went pretty well I think; it was actually a bit easier than I'd expected. It's tomorrow's Speaking Japanese exam that I'm really worried about. After the exam, I sat with Amber and her boyfriend for a little while, then went t the computer lab to print off my report. It felt so good getting that out of the way. After handing it in to the professor's office, I went to the cafeteria for lunch... The Christmas box came today. I'm so excited, but I don't want to open it yet; I want to wait. It is very tempting though. So yeah, now just waiting for concert at 6.
10:58pm セミナーハウス
The night is almost done. I didn't end up getting back till about 9, had dinner (defrosted stew), and been doing a bit on the computer. The concert went really well, and while only a handful of people showed up to watch, it was a very rewarding experience. Around 4, Carly and I went to the convenience store, and then I got a vanilla milkshake from Makkas. Then we made our way over to the club building, meeting up with Niky on the way. Marika was already there, with some of the Japanese girls. Mark and Sean arrived soon after; so it was just the five of us representing the international students. We spent until 6 practicing, and then audience members began to arrive. It took the girls another half an hour to tune all the koto, and then we were finally ready to perform (in the mean time Mark was entertaining us with his impersonation of characters from Dynasty wars - a PS2 game fighting game - brought on by the fact that Midori sempai was playing the flute, and one of the characters in the game wielded a golden flute). He'll be leaving in a week; I'll miss his humour.
So, of course, we were first up playing kaze no toorimachi. I managed to get the second koto part out quite well; we all did a good job. My trusty camera-girl Carly was there recording the whole thing. The girls then played Jingle Bells, and Silent Night, and we couldn't help but to sing along (they actually played Silent Night twice, just so we could sing again). Then they played 篝火 (kagaribi - bonfire), with Midori accompanying on flute; such a beautiful piece. We then played hanagoromo, and I botched that up quite a bit unfortunately. Finally, the girls showed off their superior skills by playing an arranged version of Sakura sakura; much more technical than the basic one we played.
And that was that. It was a lot of fun, but at the same time, it's kinda sad that it's over; I really hope I can continue next semester. We do still have practice tomorrow with Sensei though, but I don't think many people will be showing up due to study and papers. After packing up, Carly and I left for Kirindo and Fresco to pick up a few things, then headed home. Got a bag of 蜜柑 (mikan - mandarin) for just 150円; they are so tasty here. So now I have no money, not that I need it. I'll be going to get my new card on Wednesday so I can get money out then. Anyway, bed time; do a bit of study in the morning. Got my exam at 11:40. And then I'll just have to wait around for practice.
In an empty classroom, just taking a break now. Carly's on Skype, and I should be studying for tomorrow's exam, but I'm not... I woke up at 7:30 this morning, thanks to Diego. It was a good thing though, because I had to get ready before the exam at to I got a chance to talk with my family beforehand though; I'd missed them on the weekend. The exam went pretty well I think; it was actually a bit easier than I'd expected. It's tomorrow's Speaking Japanese exam that I'm really worried about. After the exam, I sat with Amber and her boyfriend for a little while, then went t the computer lab to print off my report. It felt so good getting that out of the way. After handing it in to the professor's office, I went to the cafeteria for lunch... The Christmas box came today. I'm so excited, but I don't want to open it yet; I want to wait. It is very tempting though. So yeah, now just waiting for concert at 6.
10:58pm セミナーハウス
The night is almost done. I didn't end up getting back till about 9, had dinner (defrosted stew), and been doing a bit on the computer. The concert went really well, and while only a handful of people showed up to watch, it was a very rewarding experience. Around 4, Carly and I went to the convenience store, and then I got a vanilla milkshake from Makkas. Then we made our way over to the club building, meeting up with Niky on the way. Marika was already there, with some of the Japanese girls. Mark and Sean arrived soon after; so it was just the five of us representing the international students. We spent until 6 practicing, and then audience members began to arrive. It took the girls another half an hour to tune all the koto, and then we were finally ready to perform (in the mean time Mark was entertaining us with his impersonation of characters from Dynasty wars - a PS2 game fighting game - brought on by the fact that Midori sempai was playing the flute, and one of the characters in the game wielded a golden flute). He'll be leaving in a week; I'll miss his humour.
So, of course, we were first up playing kaze no toorimachi. I managed to get the second koto part out quite well; we all did a good job. My trusty camera-girl Carly was there recording the whole thing. The girls then played Jingle Bells, and Silent Night, and we couldn't help but to sing along (they actually played Silent Night twice, just so we could sing again). Then they played 篝火 (kagaribi - bonfire), with Midori accompanying on flute; such a beautiful piece. We then played hanagoromo, and I botched that up quite a bit unfortunately. Finally, the girls showed off their superior skills by playing an arranged version of Sakura sakura; much more technical than the basic one we played.
And that was that. It was a lot of fun, but at the same time, it's kinda sad that it's over; I really hope I can continue next semester. We do still have practice tomorrow with Sensei though, but I don't think many people will be showing up due to study and papers. After packing up, Carly and I left for Kirindo and Fresco to pick up a few things, then headed home. Got a bag of 蜜柑 (mikan - mandarin) for just 150円; they are so tasty here. So now I have no money, not that I need it. I'll be going to get my new card on Wednesday so I can get money out then. Anyway, bed time; do a bit of study in the morning. Got my exam at 11:40. And then I'll just have to wait around for practice.
Day 105 - 13th of December
Another cloudy day; perfect weather to be stuck inside all day. And that I was. I fiercely worked at my report and was able to get it done; 16 pages and 4000 words later. And had drink breaks throughout the day, which for me is always helpful when writing a report; when I get up and move around, it helps me think. And of course, I had a rather large break at lunch time. I made scrambled eggs, and egg, tomato, and cheese toasted sandwiches; very fulfilling. And it help me to get through to dinner. I had completely forgotten about the farewell party, and when it was announced over the intercom, I was really surprised. Most people will be leaving by next week, and since we have exams all this week, tonight was the best night for it; it's all come to an end so quickly. We had a make-it-yourself sushi party in the dining room. Basically, get a square sheet of 海苔 (nori - seaweed), plonk a bit of rice on it, and add any fillings you wanted; fried egg, raw fish, crab, cucumber, lettuce etc.
I had a few, but also had to eat the leftovers from last night. Everyone was being bombarded by flashing cameras; it was a lot of fun. Our RA's even wrote letters to all of us; I gave them both hugs. It died down after about an hour, and then I went back to my paper. The kitchen beckoned me once more however, for cleaning at 9. I stayed up there while Carly made cookies, and talked with Katie, Ash and Eaaf. The cookies turned out a little dry, but they were okay; can't expect too much from a packet mix. Next time, I want to make them from scratch. Finally finished my report at about 11:30, and then got to bed. Diego and I talked about the immediate future; how he would be going back to America, and I would be staying here. I think that since I got the hang of things here now, next semester will be even better, or at the very least, easier.
Another cloudy day; perfect weather to be stuck inside all day. And that I was. I fiercely worked at my report and was able to get it done; 16 pages and 4000 words later. And had drink breaks throughout the day, which for me is always helpful when writing a report; when I get up and move around, it helps me think. And of course, I had a rather large break at lunch time. I made scrambled eggs, and egg, tomato, and cheese toasted sandwiches; very fulfilling. And it help me to get through to dinner. I had completely forgotten about the farewell party, and when it was announced over the intercom, I was really surprised. Most people will be leaving by next week, and since we have exams all this week, tonight was the best night for it; it's all come to an end so quickly. We had a make-it-yourself sushi party in the dining room. Basically, get a square sheet of 海苔 (nori - seaweed), plonk a bit of rice on it, and add any fillings you wanted; fried egg, raw fish, crab, cucumber, lettuce etc.
I had a few, but also had to eat the leftovers from last night. Everyone was being bombarded by flashing cameras; it was a lot of fun. Our RA's even wrote letters to all of us; I gave them both hugs. It died down after about an hour, and then I went back to my paper. The kitchen beckoned me once more however, for cleaning at 9. I stayed up there while Carly made cookies, and talked with Katie, Ash and Eaaf. The cookies turned out a little dry, but they were okay; can't expect too much from a packet mix. Next time, I want to make them from scratch. Finally finished my report at about 11:30, and then got to bed. Diego and I talked about the immediate future; how he would be going back to America, and I would be staying here. I think that since I got the hang of things here now, next semester will be even better, or at the very least, easier.
Day 104 - 12th of December
I woke up pretty late this morning; later than I wanted to. I made banana and chocolate pancakes, and they turned out okay, though a little burnt. I've found that, the pancakes turn out best when you don't add anything extra. So next time, I'm going to just make plain ones. Soon after, Deigo and I went to Sanko to get a few things. After lunch I got stuck into my report for CEL, and worked on it right up to dinner, having a nap in between. I wanted to make pizza, but I'd forgotten to pick up some salami (or just any other sort of meat) on Friday when we went into Hirakata; they only have ham at Sanko. Oh well, I'll probably just make it in the week. Instead, I had shepherd's pie, with leftovers for tomorrow. Watched TV for a bit, and got to try a sweet potato KitKat; it was really nice. Speaking of sweet potato, Carly went to Fushimi Inari this morning, and brought back lots of little goodies. In particular, a box of yatsuhashi with three flavours; sweet potato, chestnut, and 南瓜 (kabocha - pumpkin). I think sweet potato was my favourite, although I do really like chestnut. Pumpkin was a little weird. With lots of yummy food in mys stomach, I spent the rest of the night working on the report.
I woke up pretty late this morning; later than I wanted to. I made banana and chocolate pancakes, and they turned out okay, though a little burnt. I've found that, the pancakes turn out best when you don't add anything extra. So next time, I'm going to just make plain ones. Soon after, Deigo and I went to Sanko to get a few things. After lunch I got stuck into my report for CEL, and worked on it right up to dinner, having a nap in between. I wanted to make pizza, but I'd forgotten to pick up some salami (or just any other sort of meat) on Friday when we went into Hirakata; they only have ham at Sanko. Oh well, I'll probably just make it in the week. Instead, I had shepherd's pie, with leftovers for tomorrow. Watched TV for a bit, and got to try a sweet potato KitKat; it was really nice. Speaking of sweet potato, Carly went to Fushimi Inari this morning, and brought back lots of little goodies. In particular, a box of yatsuhashi with three flavours; sweet potato, chestnut, and 南瓜 (kabocha - pumpkin). I think sweet potato was my favourite, although I do really like chestnut. Pumpkin was a little weird. With lots of yummy food in mys stomach, I spent the rest of the night working on the report.
Friday, 11 December 2009
Day 103 - 11th of December
10:27pm セミナーハウス
It had rained in the night, and continued to rain throughout the day. Not the best weather for all the running around I had to do today though... My oral exam wasn't until 12:40, so I spent the morning preparing for it. Straight after lunch, Carly and I made our way to uni with my Christmas box, ready to send. She sat in the lounge with it, while I did my oral. I did pretty well I think. After that I went back down, and Katie kindly offered to watch the box while Carly and I went to the station to buy my shinkansen ticket and get out money. That all went well. We also went to book off, and I bought the first book in the Deltora Quest series in Japanese. I really want to try to read a book in Japanese, and a childhood favourite seems like a good place to start.
Before getting back to uni (by bus again since it was pouring), I bought some 御座候 (gozasoro - pancakes filled with white or red azuki bean paste). I liked the red paste better; very interesting. We ate that back in the lounge, and then went to the post office to send my stuff off. That proved to be quite smooth. I was really glad to get it done. Carly had class to go to at 4, and I went home and had a nap. I managed to book by accommodation in Nagoya over the Internet; I'm becoming pro at this, xD. I'm going from the 25th to the 28th; yes, I know, I'm crazy. I'll skype with my family Christmas morning, then get into Nagoya later in the afternoon, via Kyoto. Had spaghetti bolognese at about 7, and cleaned the kitchen as usual at 9 (Yuji continues to come down to our room to remind us). Yay, finally up to date with my blog; only took 2 weeks. Oh well, it's all good. Just got this paper to do for CEL, and three exams next week, then I'm done; so happy.
It had rained in the night, and continued to rain throughout the day. Not the best weather for all the running around I had to do today though... My oral exam wasn't until 12:40, so I spent the morning preparing for it. Straight after lunch, Carly and I made our way to uni with my Christmas box, ready to send. She sat in the lounge with it, while I did my oral. I did pretty well I think. After that I went back down, and Katie kindly offered to watch the box while Carly and I went to the station to buy my shinkansen ticket and get out money. That all went well. We also went to book off, and I bought the first book in the Deltora Quest series in Japanese. I really want to try to read a book in Japanese, and a childhood favourite seems like a good place to start.
Before getting back to uni (by bus again since it was pouring), I bought some 御座候 (gozasoro - pancakes filled with white or red azuki bean paste). I liked the red paste better; very interesting. We ate that back in the lounge, and then went to the post office to send my stuff off. That proved to be quite smooth. I was really glad to get it done. Carly had class to go to at 4, and I went home and had a nap. I managed to book by accommodation in Nagoya over the Internet; I'm becoming pro at this, xD. I'm going from the 25th to the 28th; yes, I know, I'm crazy. I'll skype with my family Christmas morning, then get into Nagoya later in the afternoon, via Kyoto. Had spaghetti bolognese at about 7, and cleaned the kitchen as usual at 9 (Yuji continues to come down to our room to remind us). Yay, finally up to date with my blog; only took 2 weeks. Oh well, it's all good. Just got this paper to do for CEL, and three exams next week, then I'm done; so happy.
Day 102 - 10th of December
Since there were oral finals today, I didn’t have to go in until 12 this morning. That left me with plenty of time to study for my CEL quiz. Today was my last Reading and Writing class. I really liked our sensei. She was kind, and helpful, and taught us well. At the end of class, Amber and I got a photo with her. I went straight from there to CEL, and got the quiz done in about 40 minutes. It was really easy actually, except for one of the short answer questions I had to think about for a while. I feel very confident about it at least. After that was my last history lesson and we made it to the end of pre-modern history; just before the Meiji restoration. I am seriously considering taking another of the professor’s classes. He’s a vast sea of knowledge, he’s pretty laidback when it comes to assignments, and he takes his classes on awesome field trips. See what happens anyway.
Carly and I left for home, after I picked up a shinkansen discount from the CIE. I’m going to go and by ticket tomorrow to Nagoya; visiting Alex for Christmas. Ash recommended this really cheap hostel that she and her friend stayed at, and I’m going to book that tomorrow too. Before dinner, Carly and I went to Sanko to pick up a few things. Well, I really didn’t intend to buy anything, but of course. I was supposed to be cooking gyudon with Amber tonight, so I had to wait for her return. When she did return however, she said she wasn’t hungry but would give me the recipe anyway. So I made it by myself (it’s really easy), with a few tips from Bianca, who was incidentally cooking the same thing. Basically, cut the meat (beef) and onion into strips. Boil the meat in water (Bianca’s tip), while frying the onions. Then add the meat to the pan, along with mirin (cooking sake), and a bit of soy sauce and sugar. Serve on top of rice. Gosh, it was so good!!! The meat was so tender and flavour-packed. I think I’m going to make it again on the weekend with the rest of my meat; I’ve already got heaps of rice left over. Basically spent the rest of the night preparing for my oral tomorrow. I’m pretty nervous about it…
Since there were oral finals today, I didn’t have to go in until 12 this morning. That left me with plenty of time to study for my CEL quiz. Today was my last Reading and Writing class. I really liked our sensei. She was kind, and helpful, and taught us well. At the end of class, Amber and I got a photo with her. I went straight from there to CEL, and got the quiz done in about 40 minutes. It was really easy actually, except for one of the short answer questions I had to think about for a while. I feel very confident about it at least. After that was my last history lesson and we made it to the end of pre-modern history; just before the Meiji restoration. I am seriously considering taking another of the professor’s classes. He’s a vast sea of knowledge, he’s pretty laidback when it comes to assignments, and he takes his classes on awesome field trips. See what happens anyway.
Carly and I left for home, after I picked up a shinkansen discount from the CIE. I’m going to go and by ticket tomorrow to Nagoya; visiting Alex for Christmas. Ash recommended this really cheap hostel that she and her friend stayed at, and I’m going to book that tomorrow too. Before dinner, Carly and I went to Sanko to pick up a few things. Well, I really didn’t intend to buy anything, but of course. I was supposed to be cooking gyudon with Amber tonight, so I had to wait for her return. When she did return however, she said she wasn’t hungry but would give me the recipe anyway. So I made it by myself (it’s really easy), with a few tips from Bianca, who was incidentally cooking the same thing. Basically, cut the meat (beef) and onion into strips. Boil the meat in water (Bianca’s tip), while frying the onions. Then add the meat to the pan, along with mirin (cooking sake), and a bit of soy sauce and sugar. Serve on top of rice. Gosh, it was so good!!! The meat was so tender and flavour-packed. I think I’m going to make it again on the weekend with the rest of my meat; I’ve already got heaps of rice left over. Basically spent the rest of the night preparing for my oral tomorrow. I’m pretty nervous about it…
Day 101 - 9th of December
10:54am 大学
Sitting here in the garden, on a cold marble bench, listening to my iPod, with the water in the background, and the sound of shoes on stone, as the students make their way into university. Just finished my skit; it went well I think. We got a couple of good laughs out of it. As there was nothing else to do, class finished early. I would be sitting in the CIE lounge now, but they’re using it to film a movie, “@ Campus”. So I’m out here, in the warm sun. Just finished a 薩摩芋 (satsumaimo – sweet potato) soft serve; really yummy. Ah, my pen is dying…
Just finished packing the Christmas box; going to send that tomorrow hopefully. After Reading and writing Japanese, I basically came home, ate lunch, studied, and talked with family in the afternoon. Dinner was scrambled eggs with tuna, and I got plenty of fruit, and cookies from Carly, for dessert. At 9 did kitchen cleaning. It was nice to see so many people participating; I really didn’t have much to do. Got back and spent the rest of the evening labelling and bagging the presents. It was fun to try to get all everything to fit; I think it is fine. Tomorrow got my CEL quiz, which I’ve been studying for, and last History and Reading and Writing classes. Now, sleep…
Sitting here in the garden, on a cold marble bench, listening to my iPod, with the water in the background, and the sound of shoes on stone, as the students make their way into university. Just finished my skit; it went well I think. We got a couple of good laughs out of it. As there was nothing else to do, class finished early. I would be sitting in the CIE lounge now, but they’re using it to film a movie, “@ Campus”. So I’m out here, in the warm sun. Just finished a 薩摩芋 (satsumaimo – sweet potato) soft serve; really yummy. Ah, my pen is dying…
Just finished packing the Christmas box; going to send that tomorrow hopefully. After Reading and writing Japanese, I basically came home, ate lunch, studied, and talked with family in the afternoon. Dinner was scrambled eggs with tuna, and I got plenty of fruit, and cookies from Carly, for dessert. At 9 did kitchen cleaning. It was nice to see so many people participating; I really didn’t have much to do. Got back and spent the rest of the evening labelling and bagging the presents. It was fun to try to get all everything to fit; I think it is fine. Tomorrow got my CEL quiz, which I’ve been studying for, and last History and Reading and Writing classes. Now, sleep…
Day 100 - 8th of December
11:11pm セミナーハウス
Another beautiful sunny day; it was nice and warm. I did my shopping this morning at Sanko. Only picked up a few things though; I thought it would be better to go to Kirindo and Fresco for savings. Came back, and did a little bit of work on my Japanese oral, before making lunch. I realised that the eggs I’d bought were going out of date very soon, so I made an omelette, and had it on toast. The new non-stick pan we got is excellent; it looked completely clean when I took the omelette out. I stuffed that down, with little time to spare, and was beckoned out the door by Carly; made it to class with moments to spare. Today, we practiced our oral (which will be done one-on-one with the teacher as before) with Japanese students. We are going in for a job interview and our teacher is the “manager” or a coffee shop. We have to use honorific language exclusively; it’s going to be tough. Got that to look forward to on Friday.
But before that, skit tomorrow. Rachel and I practiced (and goofed off) for a while after class before I had to go to history; very much a sleep inducing class. Before going to koto, I treated myself with an Oreo McFlurry; Makkas right there really isn’t helpful. Koto was… quiet. There were less than ten of us, and the sensei didn’t come. So, just more practice of hanagoromo and kaze no toorimachi. I decided to try the second koto part for kaze no toorimachi and it proved to be a bit of a challenge. I really want to do it for next week’s concert, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to. We finished up a little early, and then I went to do some more grocery shopping. Even though I have to walk further, and carry heavy bags home, I really think it’s worth it; I’m only spending about $40-$50 on groceries each week. I accidently bought another packet of pancake mix even though I already had one in the cupboard; it was cheap though. I had yakisoba for dinner, with heaps of vegetables, and an apple and banana (and one of Jo’s Mum’s gingerbread men) for dessert. I got to interview Yuji after 9, and he was very talkative and helpful. I got all my interviews done now, so I can start my report. I’m going to dedicate Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to it; force myself not to go out anywhere. Better get some sleep now, gotta get to uni early for some last minute practice.
Another beautiful sunny day; it was nice and warm. I did my shopping this morning at Sanko. Only picked up a few things though; I thought it would be better to go to Kirindo and Fresco for savings. Came back, and did a little bit of work on my Japanese oral, before making lunch. I realised that the eggs I’d bought were going out of date very soon, so I made an omelette, and had it on toast. The new non-stick pan we got is excellent; it looked completely clean when I took the omelette out. I stuffed that down, with little time to spare, and was beckoned out the door by Carly; made it to class with moments to spare. Today, we practiced our oral (which will be done one-on-one with the teacher as before) with Japanese students. We are going in for a job interview and our teacher is the “manager” or a coffee shop. We have to use honorific language exclusively; it’s going to be tough. Got that to look forward to on Friday.
But before that, skit tomorrow. Rachel and I practiced (and goofed off) for a while after class before I had to go to history; very much a sleep inducing class. Before going to koto, I treated myself with an Oreo McFlurry; Makkas right there really isn’t helpful. Koto was… quiet. There were less than ten of us, and the sensei didn’t come. So, just more practice of hanagoromo and kaze no toorimachi. I decided to try the second koto part for kaze no toorimachi and it proved to be a bit of a challenge. I really want to do it for next week’s concert, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to. We finished up a little early, and then I went to do some more grocery shopping. Even though I have to walk further, and carry heavy bags home, I really think it’s worth it; I’m only spending about $40-$50 on groceries each week. I accidently bought another packet of pancake mix even though I already had one in the cupboard; it was cheap though. I had yakisoba for dinner, with heaps of vegetables, and an apple and banana (and one of Jo’s Mum’s gingerbread men) for dessert. I got to interview Yuji after 9, and he was very talkative and helpful. I got all my interviews done now, so I can start my report. I’m going to dedicate Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to it; force myself not to go out anywhere. Better get some sleep now, gotta get to uni early for some last minute practice.
Day 99 - 7th of December
Today was okay; the beginning of a very long week of assessment. And to start things off, a lesson test in Speaking at 9; the last of the lesson tests. I did okay, I think. After that, since I had a two hour break, I decided to go get my cash card problem sorted out. I realised I didn’t have my passbook, so I walked home first. It was a good thing I did, because I had also forgotten to pack my tsume. I took the bus down to the station, and promptly made my way to the bank. The lady I talked with was really helpful, and it ended up being really simple, as soon as I explained my situation to them in Japanese. I just had to fill out a form with my name and address, signature and pin. I retain the pin number, but the card was rendered useless. I thought it was funny that the lady asked my permission before cutting the card with scissors; that’s Japan though. It takes a week for them to process a new card for me, but thankfully I can still withdraw money from my account directly from the bank; and that’s where the passbook came in handy.
It was a little after 11 when I got out, and I was feeling a hungry, so I got some lunch from Makkas, eating it as I walked back to university. It proved to be a messy ordeal, and I got tomato sauce and mayonnaise all over the front of my bag, and badges; whoops. It was very tasty though, so totally worth it. I got back just in time for Reading and Writing, and a kanji quiz; yay… I did fine in that though. After that, my last CEL lesson; wow. We had some more discussion about foreigners in Japan, international marriages in Japan, and issues surrounding naturalisation. We also had the evaluation form to fill out at the end of the class (I’ve already done them for all my other subjects). Overall, it was a pretty interesting class; it’s definitely broadened my knowledge of Japan. During the wait before koto, I managed to interview too more people, a guy from CEL and Amber’s Japanese boyfriend. The later was unexpected and quite spur of the moment, but I’m glad I was able to talk to him.
In koto, I practiced hanagoromo and “Kaze no toorimachi” (from Totoro) for a while, and then got the opportunity to interview Ryoko sempai. We ended up having a very interesting and insightful conversation, which was great for me, and great for her too; she got to practice her English. After koto, I decided to go straight home. I had no beanie, cause I left it somewhere in uni, so my ears got really cold. Luckily, Amber found it and dropped it back to my room. I have a bad habit of leaving things behind, but most things find their way back to me; I guess I’m lucky like that. I had dinner (leftover shepherd’s pie with rice), and then put away my laundry, which I had brought in this morning. Chatted with Amber for a while, then got to sleep.
Today was okay; the beginning of a very long week of assessment. And to start things off, a lesson test in Speaking at 9; the last of the lesson tests. I did okay, I think. After that, since I had a two hour break, I decided to go get my cash card problem sorted out. I realised I didn’t have my passbook, so I walked home first. It was a good thing I did, because I had also forgotten to pack my tsume. I took the bus down to the station, and promptly made my way to the bank. The lady I talked with was really helpful, and it ended up being really simple, as soon as I explained my situation to them in Japanese. I just had to fill out a form with my name and address, signature and pin. I retain the pin number, but the card was rendered useless. I thought it was funny that the lady asked my permission before cutting the card with scissors; that’s Japan though. It takes a week for them to process a new card for me, but thankfully I can still withdraw money from my account directly from the bank; and that’s where the passbook came in handy.
It was a little after 11 when I got out, and I was feeling a hungry, so I got some lunch from Makkas, eating it as I walked back to university. It proved to be a messy ordeal, and I got tomato sauce and mayonnaise all over the front of my bag, and badges; whoops. It was very tasty though, so totally worth it. I got back just in time for Reading and Writing, and a kanji quiz; yay… I did fine in that though. After that, my last CEL lesson; wow. We had some more discussion about foreigners in Japan, international marriages in Japan, and issues surrounding naturalisation. We also had the evaluation form to fill out at the end of the class (I’ve already done them for all my other subjects). Overall, it was a pretty interesting class; it’s definitely broadened my knowledge of Japan. During the wait before koto, I managed to interview too more people, a guy from CEL and Amber’s Japanese boyfriend. The later was unexpected and quite spur of the moment, but I’m glad I was able to talk to him.
In koto, I practiced hanagoromo and “Kaze no toorimachi” (from Totoro) for a while, and then got the opportunity to interview Ryoko sempai. We ended up having a very interesting and insightful conversation, which was great for me, and great for her too; she got to practice her English. After koto, I decided to go straight home. I had no beanie, cause I left it somewhere in uni, so my ears got really cold. Luckily, Amber found it and dropped it back to my room. I have a bad habit of leaving things behind, but most things find their way back to me; I guess I’m lucky like that. I had dinner (leftover shepherd’s pie with rice), and then put away my laundry, which I had brought in this morning. Chatted with Amber for a while, then got to sleep.
Day 98 - 6th of December
9:02am 急行
Just getting on the train from Kuzuha to Tambabashi to change over to the kintetsu line for Toji temple. Carly and I are accompanied by Carly’s friend Sarah. Diego decided it
would be better if he stayed home, and got his paper done. Woke up at 7, showered and did the laundry. Got money off Diego and then left. On Monday I’m going straight to the bank after classes. We walked over to seminar house 4 at about 8:20 to pick up Sarah, then onto Makino we went. On the way, we witnessed our first car accident in Japan. A van sideswiped another large vehicle; typical van driver, lol. Both stopped and got out of their cars; a younger couple were in the van, and an older man was in the other vehicle. We didn’t stick around for long (it was on the other side of the river), but it looked like the younger man was quite annoyed. We think it was the side mirror of the other car that came off. I wouldn’t blame the drivers completely though; the road is just too narrow for two cars abroad. Still, they should have both slowed down. Looking forward to a long, but rewarding day…
1:33pm 地下鉄
In the subway at kyoto station, going to 烏丸御池 (karasuma oike) where the shopping street and movie theatre are (I think)… On the subway. This morning was great. Although I didn’t buy anything at the markets (apart from a frog ornament Diego had requested), it was really cool to see so many old things; vases, clothes, coins, scrolls, and other Japaraphernalia (lol I just made a new word). Carly and Sarah only had one thing on their minds; Kimono!!! They now have many bags full. Some were so cheap though; it’s amazing. Seeing the pagoda was awesome too. It’s the largest in Japan. Regrettably, I had KFC for lunch; it wasn’t that bad I guess. From KFC we walked to Kyoto station, past an Inari shrine and an enormous shopping centre. We’re here…
We’re on the train back to Makino now. I’m absolutely stuffed. Sarah took another train to Hirakata, so it’s just me and Carly... After getting to karasuma oike, we walked around for a while, trying to figure out how to get to the cinemas. On the way, we stumbled upon 六角時 (Rokkakuji – “hexagonal temple”), wedged between hotels and skyscrapers. It was beautiful temple, and there were huge white swans and koi in a pond at the back; and so many pigeons. We continued on and found a market street called 錦 (Nishiki – “fine dress’).
There was so much fresh produce and it was absolutely packed with people; we squeezed our way through at a crawl. Somehow, we bumped into Sarita (quite literally in fact) from our dorm, with some of her friends; I think it’s amazing when that happens. Nishiki eventually flowed out onto the main shopping street and I soon found my bearings. We went into the 2:50 screening of New Moon, with a huge bucket of caramel popcorn. On entry, we got a free poster; wish they did that in Australia. Mind you, the tickets are quite a bit more here, so it kinda makes up for it.
I really enjoyed the movie. Overall, they did a great job. We got out at about 5 (it was already dark), and decided to go to one of the temples for “light up”. Found out that the “light up” for 知恩院 (Chionin) was already over, so we went to 高台寺 (Kodaiji) instead. But before that, we had a nice warm meal in a restaurant near Yasaka shrine on the corner of Gion. After a bit of searching, we came upon Kodaiji and it was stunning. We must have walked around for at least an hour; past lit up maples, and Zen gardens, and through a bamboo grove. Since my camera batteries died, got it all on film. We also got a great view of the city; we were about as high up as Kiyomizu-dera.
After a bit of souvenir shopping, we made our way back to the station, having a qui
ck look at the Yasaka pagoda on the way. My leopard pin decided to fall out again on the street (the first time was at uni); that pesky kitty. We found it again though; silly untamed thing. We witnessed a bride throwing the bouquet, and were startled by the sounds of sirens from the “super emergency rescue unit”; there had been a crash on the corner of Gion. Walked the block, down into the station, and got tickets. We’re almost at Kuzuha now. I really enjoyed today, especially the getting lost parts. You come across the best things when you’re lost it’s great, xD. So tired…
Just getting on the train from Kuzuha to Tambabashi to change over to the kintetsu line for Toji temple. Carly and I are accompanied by Carly’s friend Sarah. Diego decided it

In the subway at kyoto station, going to 烏丸御池 (karasuma oike) where the shopping street and movie theatre are (I think)… On the subway. This morning was great. Although I didn’t buy anything at the markets (apart from a frog ornament Diego had requested), it was really cool to see so many old things; vases, clothes, coins, scrolls, and other Japaraphernalia (lol I just made a new word). Carly and Sarah only had one thing on their minds; Kimono!!! They now have many bags full. Some were so cheap though; it’s amazing. Seeing the pagoda was awesome too. It’s the largest in Japan. Regrettably, I had KFC for lunch; it wasn’t that bad I guess. From KFC we walked to Kyoto station, past an Inari shrine and an enormous shopping centre. We’re here…

We’re on the train back to Makino now. I’m absolutely stuffed. Sarah took another train to Hirakata, so it’s just me and Carly... After getting to karasuma oike, we walked around for a while, trying to figure out how to get to the cinemas. On the way, we stumbled upon 六角時 (Rokkakuji – “hexagonal temple”), wedged between hotels and skyscrapers. It was beautiful temple, and there were huge white swans and koi in a pond at the back; and so many pigeons. We continued on and found a market street called 錦 (Nishiki – “fine dress’).

I really enjoyed the movie. Overall, they did a great job. We got out at about 5 (it was already dark), and decided to go to one of the temples for “light up”. Found out that the “light up” for 知恩院 (Chionin) was already over, so we went to 高台寺 (Kodaiji) instead. But before that, we had a nice warm meal in a restaurant near Yasaka shrine on the corner of Gion. After a bit of searching, we came upon Kodaiji and it was stunning. We must have walked around for at least an hour; past lit up maples, and Zen gardens, and through a bamboo grove. Since my camera batteries died, got it all on film. We also got a great view of the city; we were about as high up as Kiyomizu-dera.
After a bit of souvenir shopping, we made our way back to the station, having a qui

Day 97 - 5th of December
9:35pm セミナーハウス
Just about to watch Twilight now, in preparation for New Moon at the cinemas tomorrow. Basically the plan is, wake up at 7, Flea market, movie, that "light up"; it's going to be great. I'll also try to do the laundry in the morning, if I can wake up. So anyway, today... Woke up at 9, talked with family for a couple of hours, and made banana pancakes. Carly made french toast in my glass dish, and we shared that. It was very interesting; gooey and crunchy at the same time. At about 1, Carly and I went down to Hirakata station to fix up my card, only to find that the bank was closed today, even thought the sheet the guy gave me in the CIE office yesterday said it would be open. I was very disappointed so, regrettably, I going to borrow money from Diego tomorrow. I'm very grateful, but I feel bad about doing it.
We walked back from the station, stopping at the uni, then Soft Bank to fix Carly's phone (it wasn't sending messages - the problem was the sent box was full). We stopped at Kirindo and then the 99円 store. Getting back, we had a very late lunch (4:00) and then worked on assignments. I talked with Alex for a bit, which was nice. Had dinner at7:30, and ate way too much. I feel so fat right now (bleh). Yay, movie time...
Just about to watch Twilight now, in preparation for New Moon at the cinemas tomorrow. Basically the plan is, wake up at 7, Flea market, movie, that "light up"; it's going to be great. I'll also try to do the laundry in the morning, if I can wake up. So anyway, today... Woke up at 9, talked with family for a couple of hours, and made banana pancakes. Carly made french toast in my glass dish, and we shared that. It was very interesting; gooey and crunchy at the same time. At about 1, Carly and I went down to Hirakata station to fix up my card, only to find that the bank was closed today, even thought the sheet the guy gave me in the CIE office yesterday said it would be open. I was very disappointed so, regrettably, I going to borrow money from Diego tomorrow. I'm very grateful, but I feel bad about doing it.
We walked back from the station, stopping at the uni, then Soft Bank to fix Carly's phone (it wasn't sending messages - the problem was the sent box was full). We stopped at Kirindo and then the 99円 store. Getting back, we had a very late lunch (4:00) and then worked on assignments. I talked with Alex for a bit, which was nice. Had dinner at7:30, and ate way too much. I feel so fat right now (bleh). Yay, movie time...
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Day 96 - 4th of December
10:30pm セミナーハウス
Well, I didn't end up going out tonight. 1. Because they were going to an 居酒屋 (izakaya - bar) so I didn't want to risk going underage and 2. because I have no money anyway. You see, after my Japanese class, I went to get out money from the ATM and somehow my brain switched the order of my pin number. So, the ATM denied my card. I didn't realise at first, so I went to the CIE to let them know. It was only when I was talking to the women there that I remembered my actual pin number. So I thanked her, and went back to try again. I knew now for sure that I was putting in the correct number. Still, no luck. Now I was a bit disgruntled and thought about just going home; I didn't though. Instead, I went back to the CIE and talked with a guy this time. He kindly accompanied me to the ATM to see what the problem was. The English version just said please inquire at the office, but when he read the Japanese version it said I had put in the wrong pin more than three times and therefore I had to go to the branch and get a new card; I felt so stupid.
So yeah, since the bank closes at 3 on weekdays, I had no time to go this afternoon, so I'm going to go tomorrow. I got back home, got my reading and writing homework done and ate lunch. It seemed that everyone was out drinking tonight, so it was nice and quiet in the kitchen. I made Shepherd's pie and watched TV. There's an interesting song on at the moment called おなら恥ずかしくないよ (Onara hazukashikunai yo - don't be embarrassed about farting). It's hilarious. The main singer is a cross dresser and, along with his two back-up dancers, farts love hearts. We've tracked down the video on the Internet, and are trying to find the lyrics to translate. The tune is actually really catchy. Before the music video begins, there's a short scene of a woman in a public place, worrying about "passing wind". I guess the song is basically promoting the fact that it's okay for women to fart in public. The song has been on all week on this particular show; only in Japan hey! After that, the ice skating came on, so we watched that for a bit, while Carly made french toast. Going to eat that tomorrow with my banana pancakes. Anyway, time for bed.
Well, I didn't end up going out tonight. 1. Because they were going to an 居酒屋 (izakaya - bar) so I didn't want to risk going underage and 2. because I have no money anyway. You see, after my Japanese class, I went to get out money from the ATM and somehow my brain switched the order of my pin number. So, the ATM denied my card. I didn't realise at first, so I went to the CIE to let them know. It was only when I was talking to the women there that I remembered my actual pin number. So I thanked her, and went back to try again. I knew now for sure that I was putting in the correct number. Still, no luck. Now I was a bit disgruntled and thought about just going home; I didn't though. Instead, I went back to the CIE and talked with a guy this time. He kindly accompanied me to the ATM to see what the problem was. The English version just said please inquire at the office, but when he read the Japanese version it said I had put in the wrong pin more than three times and therefore I had to go to the branch and get a new card; I felt so stupid.
So yeah, since the bank closes at 3 on weekdays, I had no time to go this afternoon, so I'm going to go tomorrow. I got back home, got my reading and writing homework done and ate lunch. It seemed that everyone was out drinking tonight, so it was nice and quiet in the kitchen. I made Shepherd's pie and watched TV. There's an interesting song on at the moment called おなら恥ずかしくないよ (Onara hazukashikunai yo - don't be embarrassed about farting). It's hilarious. The main singer is a cross dresser and, along with his two back-up dancers, farts love hearts. We've tracked down the video on the Internet, and are trying to find the lyrics to translate. The tune is actually really catchy. Before the music video begins, there's a short scene of a woman in a public place, worrying about "passing wind". I guess the song is basically promoting the fact that it's okay for women to fart in public. The song has been on all week on this particular show; only in Japan hey! After that, the ice skating came on, so we watched that for a bit, while Carly made french toast. Going to eat that tomorrow with my banana pancakes. Anyway, time for bed.
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